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旧 2009-04-30, 18:41     #1
mingjkli 的头像
mingjkli mingjkli 当前离线
等级: 七袋长老
级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时
Uid: 46088
注册日期: 2007-06-29, 23:20
来自: 香港
帖子: 2121
感谢: 535
522 个帖子获得 1152 次感谢
现金: 5金币
资产: 5金币
声望: 17 mingjkli 向着好的方向发展

mingjkli mingjkli 当前离线
等级: 七袋长老
级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时
mingjkli 的头像
Uid: 46088
注册日期: 2007-06-29, 23:20
来自: 香港
帖子: 2121
感谢: 535
522 个帖子获得 1152 次感谢
现金: 5金币
资产: 5金币
声望: 17 mingjkli 向着好的方向发展

牛 CPC forum instruction   

A. About discussion forum
1. CPC printing forum, established on May, 2004, is a public forum and society to provide a platform for professional and personal study and communication on printing and printing technology freely.
2. CPC printing forum has been the largest printing technology society of China. A plethora of senior printing technologists and specialists devoted their time and energy on providing new information about printing industry and technology development
3. We opposite any commercial software decoding activities. All of the software amendments provided by our subscribers are only for learning and studying. We do not encourage such activities. Providers should assume relevant legal liability.
4. Our Forum only provide document conversion service to our members vie FTP space. Installation software and instruction included in the documents are all uploaded by CPCers voluntarily. Forum is not in charge of the legal liability, but the individual provider.
5. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are political, obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. All messages express the views of the author, CPC reserve the right to remove, edit, move, or close any thread for any reason.
6. We promise we will exert our utmost to keep forum running well unless Force Majeure. All the contents and comments will be safely reserved forever.

B. About the registration.
1. Only the register is able to post message in our forum.
2. Please use meaningful words during register your user name, some sensitive words are not allowed such as insult, political etc.
3. Our forum should make efforts in providing faster and more stable surfing resource to our members. Registration is opened forever and will not close for any situation.
4. During your registration, you must use 2-10 words for your user name.
5. Members are able to change their user name by paying 100 coins.
6. Members user name is permanent, we will keep it forever once members haven’t broken any rules in our forum.

C. About post messages.
1. You can earn 3-7 coins after you post a thread in technical exchange area, 1-3 coins for replying a message, deduct 10 coins after your thread have been removed and deduct 5 coins after your message have been removed.
2. There is no coins earn and deduct when you post or being removed outside the technical exchange area.
3. When threads or messages are moved into the recycle area, those cannot be counted for your total threads and messages.
4. If your thread is graded as excellence, it will up to 9 levels and reward with 50 coins for each. Therefore we encourage members to create more excellence threads.
5. The rewards from administrator, normally is 10 coins, -10 coins for punishment.
6. For encourage creative threads, all of them which provide a detail technical explanation and also with picture, can apply reward. Depend on the complication and message quantity, from 10 to 100 coins. There is no reward for any information which is copy from any existing technical articles.
7. You must have the related punishment if you post meaningless message such as “It’s useful”, “Happy to get it” etc.
8. Your message cannot be posted if less than 15 words.
9. You should search the key word first if you have any technical question. And then post your question if you can’t find your answer. We will lock any duplicated message.
10. We will lock your thread and deduct your coins if you copy our very old, 2-3 years ago, information or article from our forum.
11. You must present the original author and address in your thread or message during you copy any article from outside.
12. We allow certain kinds of file for upload within your message. You will clear the file type and size when you click on the button of "Manage Attachments".
13. For posting threads, especially asking for help, you must use key words for your topic, don’t use “please help”, state detail situation, setting, device and related information in your content, that will not only be easier for others member to help you, but save the resource in our forum.
14. Don’t use insult words such as “To beg” during asking for help.
15. You better to choose JPG, JPEG or GIF format with your snap shot but BMP.
16. We will remove all duplicated threads in different area and keep one in related area.
17. Only one copy thread is allowed each day if the content is old technical information but in entertainment area.
18. It will be removed if any posts with crack, patch or keygen for the software which is developed by china. If you ask to search for these cracks, your post will be locked, moved to recycle area or deleted.
19. There is no exchange area in our forum, please don’t try to do any activity about it.
20. You are not allowed to post some organized commercial software cracks which will be removed and your ID will be closed.
21. You will be warned and deducted coins if you post any advertisement especially during your reply, it’s allowed in signature and advertisement area.
22. You will be warned if you use the Chinese phonetic alphabet as text for communication.
23. Instruction for upload attachment: click on “New Thead” post thread or “Post Reply” reply thread, you will find a section called ” Additional Options” attach option, a column called “Attach Files” attachment, you hit on the button “Manage Attachments” attach management. Only the JPG format picture can be showed up on your post.
24. All your threads and messages will be counted until you finished 10 posts, you can change to real member.

D. About selling message or attachment.
1. Real and positive posts are welcome, but we disagree you sell both your message and attachment. It’s too high requirement, and no help for technical exchange.
2. We are not support the selling price higher than 100 coins for any post or attachment.
3. Private exchange including product and money or any information is strictly prohibited.
4. If you find any fake selling, you can post it in “Feedback” feed back area.
5. For the fake selling, beside deduct coins, we also add more punishment depends on the level of serious.

此帖于 2009-04-30 22:22 被 wangyu1314 编辑.
mingjkli 当前离线  
右列 3 位会员因为此帖价值甚高向 mingjkli 表示感谢:
Bloodsaler (2009-09-22), mjones5454 (2009-12-30), Summer0707 (2012-05-20)
旧 2009-12-29, 15:04   只看该作者   #2
mjones5454 mjones5454 当前离线
等级: 一袋长老
级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时
Uid: 137405
注册日期: 2009-12-26, 12:07
年龄: 50
帖子: 31
感谢: 6
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现金: 1金币
资产: 1金币
声望: 10 mjones5454 向着好的方向发展
mjones5454 mjones5454 当前离线
等级: 一袋长老
级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时
Uid: 137405
注册日期: 2009-12-26, 12:07
年龄: 50
帖子: 31
感谢: 6
1 个帖子获得 1 次感谢
现金: 1金币
资产: 1金币
声望: 10 mjones5454 向着好的方向发展

Thank you for this informative post mingjkli. I have recently joined this wondeful forum as i use Google for translating from Chinese to English and Vice-Versa some of the context makes very little sense on the site. This post has most diffinately enlightened me. Cheers Buddy, :)
mjones5454 当前离线  
旧 2009-12-30, 01:36   只看该作者   #3
mingjkli 的头像
mingjkli mingjkli 当前离线
等级: 七袋长老
级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时
Uid: 46088
注册日期: 2007-06-29, 23:20
来自: 香港
帖子: 2121
感谢: 535
522 个帖子获得 1152 次感谢
现金: 5金币
资产: 5金币
声望: 17 mingjkli 向着好的方向发展

mingjkli mingjkli 当前离线
等级: 七袋长老
级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时
mingjkli 的头像
Uid: 46088
注册日期: 2007-06-29, 23:20
来自: 香港
帖子: 2121
感谢: 535
522 个帖子获得 1152 次感谢
现金: 5金币
资产: 5金币
声望: 17 mingjkli 向着好的方向发展


作者: mjones5454 查看帖子
Thank you for this informative post mingjkli. I have recently joined this wondeful forum as i use Google for translating from Chinese to English and Vice-Versa some of the context makes very little sense on the site. This post has most diffinately enlightened me. Cheers Buddy, :)
You're welcome!
Hope you enjoy here and we can try our best to help once I have suggested to keep the English instruction in "Outside the China"!
mingjkli 当前离线  
旧 2009-12-30, 11:19   只看该作者   #4
mjones5454 mjones5454 当前离线
等级: 一袋长老
级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时
Uid: 137405
注册日期: 2009-12-26, 12:07
年龄: 50
帖子: 31
感谢: 6
1 个帖子获得 1 次感谢
现金: 1金币
资产: 1金币
声望: 10 mjones5454 向着好的方向发展
mjones5454 mjones5454 当前离线
等级: 一袋长老
级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时
Uid: 137405
注册日期: 2009-12-26, 12:07
年龄: 50
帖子: 31
感谢: 6
1 个帖子获得 1 次感谢
现金: 1金币
资产: 1金币
声望: 10 mjones5454 向着好的方向发展
作者: mingjkli 查看帖子
You're welcome!
Hope you enjoy here and we can try our best to help once I have suggested to keep the English instruction in "Outside the China"!
That was definately a great idea.. :)

I'm amazed as to why nobody has posted in this section...There are many English speaking users who cannot understand Chinese or use translation tools such as Google to get by..but they tend to post in the "Technical Exchange area" and receive replies in Chinese..Wouldn't be better for them to reply here.. Maybe less "advanced" members aid in this section.??

If i understand correctly you dont earn coins here, hence why english speakers post elsewhere to receive the extra coins.. Can i suggest maybe you can add the coin earning rule here also..Just an idea mingjkli..

On the further note, i will gladly help the newcomers who dont speak Chinese on this wonderful forum. I have great experiance with RIP, PREPRESS etc softwares, so can provide my knowledge, unfortunately to non-chinese speakers, since my Chinese is rubbish. Would love to learn the language :)

Mingjkli, on different note, can i apply to become a Senior member. I have figured the FTP download but as understood correctly i cannot download anything in the Senor section of the FTP. Unfortunately, most of the advanced software are on that section.

I have a small project and am in urgent requirement of GMG and Efi softwares..latest version preffered..therefore, cannot wait for my experiance to build up or post count to download..

I understand that my post count is low and im less experianced on this forum but i can assure you mate, i can help many users on this forum, who request help and direct them accordingly. I can also make suggestions for the "Outside China Section" so we can receive users from all over the world..whos Chinese language is not great..

Let me know buddy, Mike
mjones5454 当前离线  
旧 2010-01-01, 08:16   只看该作者   #5
glasshat glasshat 当前离线
等级: 三袋长老
级别:18 | 在线时长:411小时 | 升级还需:26小时级别:18 | 在线时长:411小时 | 升级还需:26小时级别:18 | 在线时长:411小时 | 升级还需:26小时
Uid: 44882
注册日期: 2007-05-30, 20:10
帖子: 113
感谢: 0
3 个帖子获得 3 次感谢
现金: 5金币
资产: 5金币
声望: 10 glasshat 向着好的方向发展
glasshat glasshat 当前离线
等级: 三袋长老
级别:18 | 在线时长:411小时 | 升级还需:26小时级别:18 | 在线时长:411小时 | 升级还需:26小时级别:18 | 在线时长:411小时 | 升级还需:26小时
Uid: 44882
注册日期: 2007-05-30, 20:10
帖子: 113
感谢: 0
3 个帖子获得 3 次感谢
现金: 5金币
资产: 5金币
声望: 10 glasshat 向着好的方向发展

Thank you very much for explanation
glasshat 当前离线  
旧 2010-01-01, 17:17   只看该作者   #6
mingjkli 的头像
mingjkli mingjkli 当前离线
等级: 七袋长老
级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时
Uid: 46088
注册日期: 2007-06-29, 23:20
来自: 香港
帖子: 2121
感谢: 535
522 个帖子获得 1152 次感谢
现金: 5金币
资产: 5金币
声望: 17 mingjkli 向着好的方向发展

mingjkli mingjkli 当前离线
等级: 七袋长老
级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时级别:48 | 在线时长:2542小时 | 升级还需:55小时
mingjkli 的头像
Uid: 46088
注册日期: 2007-06-29, 23:20
来自: 香港
帖子: 2121
感谢: 535
522 个帖子获得 1152 次感谢
现金: 5金币
资产: 5金币
声望: 17 mingjkli 向着好的方向发展


作者: mjones5454 查看帖子
That was definately a great idea.. :)

I'm amazed as to why nobody has posted in this section...There are many English speaking users who cannot understand Chinese or use translation tools such as Google to get by..but they tend to post in the "Technical Exchange area" and receive replies in Chinese...

Hi Mike, your suggestion is great but the fact is, here is a such Chinese forum and we had made an English section before but there is few people to get in and wasted som many rescource. At last we deleted that section and I feel very unhappy to lose some guys who cannot type Chinese. Therefore I suggested our boss to add this area here. So today you can still be here!

For the software you want to, as a friend here, I can ask my friend who may have it but you should wait because she is so busy at this moment. By the way, what kinds of GMG & EFI software you want. As I knew that there should be many.
mingjkli 当前离线  
右列会员因为此帖价值甚高向 mingjkli 表示感谢:
mjones5454 (2010-01-02)
旧 2010-01-02, 01:48   只看该作者   #7
mjones5454 mjones5454 当前离线
等级: 一袋长老
级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时
Uid: 137405
注册日期: 2009-12-26, 12:07
年龄: 50
帖子: 31
感谢: 6
1 个帖子获得 1 次感谢
现金: 1金币
资产: 1金币
声望: 10 mjones5454 向着好的方向发展
mjones5454 mjones5454 当前离线
等级: 一袋长老
级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时
Uid: 137405
注册日期: 2009-12-26, 12:07
年龄: 50
帖子: 31
感谢: 6
1 个帖子获得 1 次感谢
现金: 1金币
资产: 1金币
声望: 10 mjones5454 向着好的方向发展

作者: mingjkli 查看帖子
Hi Mike, your suggestion is great but the fact is, here is a such Chinese forum and we had made an English section before but there is few people to get in and wasted som many rescource. At last we deleted that section and I feel very unhappy to lose some guys who cannot type Chinese. Therefore I su...
Hi mingjkli, Again thank you for your reply..its very comforting to know your here to help. much appreciated buddy.

I understand now, i was a bit unaware of the history of this great forum..so thanks for the update.

As regards to the software, i need the following software from the FTP in Senior Zone

06.01.09 GMG ColorProof5025 (as i understand correctly this is latest version working)


05.24.09 EFI ColorProof XF 4.0

Again, mingjkli, you have been very helpful as always, and if you can manage to get the above softwares for me i will very greatfull to you. Let me know the soonest you can friend..

Either way, Thank you in advance. Cheers, Mike

PS: Happy New Year mate !!!
mjones5454 当前离线  
旧 2010-01-04, 02:12   只看该作者   #8
mjones5454 mjones5454 当前离线
等级: 一袋长老
级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时
Uid: 137405
注册日期: 2009-12-26, 12:07
年龄: 50
帖子: 31
感谢: 6
1 个帖子获得 1 次感谢
现金: 1金币
资产: 1金币
声望: 10 mjones5454 向着好的方向发展
mjones5454 mjones5454 当前离线
等级: 一袋长老
级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时级别:7 | 在线时长:80小时 | 升级还需:16小时
Uid: 137405
注册日期: 2009-12-26, 12:07
年龄: 50
帖子: 31
感谢: 6
1 个帖子获得 1 次感谢
现金: 1金币
资产: 1金币
声望: 10 mjones5454 向着好的方向发展

Hi mingjkli, Any news? Also can you please let me know wheter the PJ is included..Again thank you for your effort buddy..Mike
mjones5454 当前离线  
旧 2010-01-07, 00:30   只看该作者   #9
gepigotul gepigotul 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:5 | 在线时长:49小时 | 升级还需:11小时级别:5 | 在线时长:49小时 | 升级还需:11小时
Uid: 139491
注册日期: 2010-01-06, 00:17
年龄: 56
帖子: 2
感谢: 0
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
声望: 10 gepigotul 向着好的方向发展
gepigotul gepigotul 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:5 | 在线时长:49小时 | 升级还需:11小时级别:5 | 在线时长:49小时 | 升级还需:11小时
Uid: 139491
注册日期: 2010-01-06, 00:17
年龄: 56
帖子: 2
感谢: 0
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
声望: 10 gepigotul 向着好的方向发展

Thank you very much! You do great job!
gepigotul 当前离线  
旧 2010-05-13, 20:52   只看该作者   #10
silviuv silviuv 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:1 | 在线时长:5小时 | 升级还需:7小时
Uid: 157922
注册日期: 2010-04-21, 01:25
帖子: 2
感谢: 0
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
声望: 10 silviuv 向着好的方向发展
silviuv silviuv 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:1 | 在线时长:5小时 | 升级还需:7小时
Uid: 157922
注册日期: 2010-04-21, 01:25
帖子: 2
感谢: 0
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
声望: 10 silviuv 向着好的方向发展

Thanks mingjkli. I have also recently joined this amazing forum and I'm almost completely lost on translation...
It seems that are not too many chances for me to gain full access to ftp but maybe I'll get some help from the wonderful community of professionals in here..
Thanks people!
silviuv 当前离线  
旧 2010-05-14, 09:22   只看该作者   #11
Bloodsaler 的头像
Bloodsaler Bloodsaler 当前离线
等级: 七袋长老
美女 级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时
Uid: 82192
注册日期: 2009-01-09, 16:32
来自: 成都
帖子: 3636
感谢: 1045
542 个帖子获得 2299 次感谢
精华: 24
现金: 1836金币
资产: 42120金币
声望: 47 Bloodsaler 是将要出名的人啊

Bloodsaler Bloodsaler 当前离线
等级: 七袋长老
美女 级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时级别:96 | 在线时长:9603小时 | 升级还需:194小时
Bloodsaler 的头像
Uid: 82192
注册日期: 2009-01-09, 16:32
来自: 成都
帖子: 3636
感谢: 1045
542 个帖子获得 2299 次感谢
精华: 24
现金: 1836金币
资产: 42120金币
声望: 47 Bloodsaler 是将要出名的人啊


Actually if you didn`t have enough posts,you can`t use FTP in this forum.This is a rule in this forum,the intention is to promote the people to have more valuable post here.
So this is difficult for some foreigners.They may be totally lost in translation.Some of the question they might know the answer,but they didn`t know how to reply.So they can not get enough post to enter the FTP.
But the rule is equal to everybody,so I`m so sorry to tell you guys,we can not treat you different from the average chinese people.But we appreciate you to bring more new knowledge or experience about printing here.A lot of people in this forum can understand English too.So you can get enough post~
████ 刮开有奖
Bloodsaler 当前离线  
旧 2010-05-14, 16:23   只看该作者   #12
silviuv silviuv 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:1 | 在线时长:5小时 | 升级还需:7小时
Uid: 157922
注册日期: 2010-04-21, 01:25
帖子: 2
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声望: 10 silviuv 向着好的方向发展
silviuv silviuv 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:1 | 在线时长:5小时 | 升级还需:7小时
Uid: 157922
注册日期: 2010-04-21, 01:25
帖子: 2
感谢: 0
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声望: 10 silviuv 向着好的方向发展

Thanks for the clarification Bloodsaler.I believe that nobody expects a special treatment so no worries friend...Happy posting
silviuv 当前离线  
旧 2010-09-08, 09:01   只看该作者   #13
biggun biggun 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:0 | 在线时长:2小时 | 升级还需:3小时
Uid: 183524
注册日期: 2010-09-07, 16:08
帖子: 2
感谢: 0
1 个帖子获得 1 次感谢
声望: 10 biggun 向着好的方向发展
biggun biggun 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:0 | 在线时长:2小时 | 升级还需:3小时
Uid: 183524
注册日期: 2010-09-07, 16:08
帖子: 2
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1 个帖子获得 1 次感谢
声望: 10 biggun 向着好的方向发展

Thank you for this informative post mingjkli. I have recently joined this wondeful forum as i use Google for translating from Chinese to English and Vice-Versa some of the context makes very little sense on the site. This post has most diffinately enlightened me. Cheers Buddy, :)
biggun 当前离线  
右列会员因为此帖价值甚高向 biggun 表示感谢:
mingjkli (2010-09-09)
旧 2010-09-08, 23:56   只看该作者   #14
tadeu76 tadeu76 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:2 | 在线时长:16小时 | 升级还需:5小时级别:2 | 在线时长:16小时 | 升级还需:5小时
Uid: 183582
注册日期: 2010-09-07, 23:14
帖子: 1
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声望: 10 tadeu76 向着好的方向发展
tadeu76 tadeu76 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:2 | 在线时长:16小时 | 升级还需:5小时级别:2 | 在线时长:16小时 | 升级还需:5小时
Uid: 183582
注册日期: 2010-09-07, 23:14
帖子: 1
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0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
声望: 10 tadeu76 向着好的方向发展

Thanks for the clarification Bloodsaler
tadeu76 当前离线  
旧 2011-04-10, 00:00   只看该作者   #15
egorus egorus 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:4 | 在线时长:34小时 | 升级还需:11小时
Uid: 207673
注册日期: 2011-01-31, 01:43
帖子: 5
感谢: 4
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 1金币
资产: 1金币
声望: 10 egorus 向着好的方向发展
egorus egorus 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:4 | 在线时长:34小时 | 升级还需:11小时
Uid: 207673
注册日期: 2011-01-31, 01:43
帖子: 5
感谢: 4
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
现金: 1金币
资产: 1金币
声望: 10 egorus 向着好的方向发展

Thanks for 各国人民的友谊
egorus 当前离线  
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