旧 2020-10-08, 17:48     #1
zoe81528 zoe81528 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时
Uid: 656021
注册日期: 2019-03-27, 11:47
帖子: 3
感谢: 1
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声望: 10 zoe81528 向着好的方向发展
zoe81528 zoe81528 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时
Uid: 656021
注册日期: 2019-03-27, 11:47
帖子: 3
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声望: 10 zoe81528 向着好的方向发展
嘀咕 大佬神隐,小白请教。关于AI尺寸标注脚本   







源代码版权属于: https://www.cnprint.org 江门蒋基雄
xpmycpc 进行了其中部分的修改。

var doc = app.activeDocument;
var u=72.0000084;
var theSelect = doc.selection;
var s=12;//标尺距离物体边沿宽度
var tsize=72; //标尺字体大小

// spec layer
try {
var sizelayer =doc.layers['spec'];
} catch(err) {
var sizelayer = doc.layers.add();
sizelayer.name = 'spec';

doc.selection = null; // 还原选择的图案为系统默认
doc.defaultFilled = false;
doc.defaultStroked = true;
doc.defaultStrokeWidth = 5; // 线的粗细
doc.defaultStrokeColor = redColor();
function redColor(){
redColor = new CMYKColor();
redColor.black = 0;//这里可修改四色的黑版值
redColor.cyan = 00;//这里可修改四色的蓝版值
redColor.magenta =100;//这里可修改四色的洋红版值
redColor.yellow = 100;//这里可修改四色的黄版值

return redColor;
for (i=0;i<theSelect.length;i++){ //加入批处理
sW=(theSelect[i]=='[PathItem ]' && theSelect[i].stroked==true)?theSelect[i].strokeWidth:0;
var asize=12;//箭头大小
if(h<5 || w<5){asize=50;};//简单的自适应,太小的物体用小箭头
//var g1 = doc.groupItems.add();将标尺群组
var g1 = sizelayer.groupItems.add();//将标尺群组,将标注画在标注图层上。
var line1=g1.pathItems.add(); //画高度标尺
line1.setEntirePath( [[x-s, y],[x-s, y-h]]) ;
var line1=g1.pathItems.add();
line1.setEntirePath( [[x-s-s/2, y],[x-s/2, y]]) ;
var line1=g1.pathItems.add();
line1.setEntirePath( [[x-s-s/2, y-h],[x-s/2, y-h]]) ;
var ar1=g1.pathItems.add(); //画箭头
ar1.fillColor= redColor();
ar1.setEntirePath( [[x-s, y],[x-s-asize/2,y-asize],[x-s+asize/2,y-asize]]) ;
var ar1=g1.pathItems.add();
ar1.fillColor= redColor();
ar1.setEntirePath( [[x-s, y-h],[x-s-asize/2,y-h+asize],[x-s+asize/2,y-h+asize]]) ;
var t1 = g1.textFrames.add();

t1.contents = (h/u).toFixed(2)+" ”"; //小数位四舍五入取整数''可加单位mm Math.round(h/u).toFixed(0)/多少位小数点
t1.textRange.characterAttributes.fillColor= redColor();
t1.left = x-s-s-t1.width;
t1.top = y-h/2+t1.height/2;
var line2=g1.pathItems.add(); //画长度标尺
line2.setEntirePath( [[x, y-h-s],[x+w, y-h-s]]) ;
var line2=g1.pathItems.add();
line2.setEntirePath( [[x, y-h-s-s/2],[x, y-h-s/2]]) ;
var line2=g1.pathItems.add();
line2.setEntirePath( [[x+w, y-h-s-s/2],[x+w, y-h-s/2]]) ;
var ar1=g1.pathItems.add(); //画箭头
ar1.stroked= false;
ar1.fillColor= redColor();
ar1.setEntirePath( [[x,y-h-s],[x+asize,y-h-s-asize/2],[x+asize,y-h-s+asize/2]]) ;
var ar1=g1.pathItems.add();
ar1.stroked= false;
ar1.fillColor= redColor();
ar1.setEntirePath( [[x+w,y-h-s],[x+w-asize,y-h-s-asize/2],[x+w-asize,y-h-s+asize/2]]) ;
var t2 = g1.textFrames.add();
t2.contents = (w/u).toFixed(2)+" ”"; //小数位四舍五入取整数''可加单位mm
t2.textRange.characterAttributes.fillColor= redColor();
t2.left = x+w/2-t2.width/2;
t2.top = y-h-s-s;
zoe81528 当前离线  
旧 2020-10-08, 17:54   只看该作者   #2
zoe81528 zoe81528 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时
Uid: 656021
注册日期: 2019-03-27, 11:47
帖子: 3
感谢: 1
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
声望: 10 zoe81528 向着好的方向发展
zoe81528 zoe81528 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时级别:3 | 在线时长:23小时 | 升级还需:9小时
Uid: 656021
注册日期: 2019-03-27, 11:47
帖子: 3
感谢: 1
0 个帖子获得 0 次感谢
声望: 10 zoe81528 向着好的方向发展



* Description: An Adobe Illustrator script that automates measurements of objects. This is an early version that has not been sufficiently tested. Use at your own risks.
* Usage: Select 1 to 2 page items in Adobe Illustrator, then run this script by selecting File > Script > Other Scripts > (choose file)
* License: GNU General Public License Version 3. (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0-standalone.html)
* Copyright (c) 2009. William Ngan.
* http://www.metaphorical.net

// Create an empty dialog window near the upper left of the screen
var dlg = new Window('dialog', 'Spec');
dlg.frameLocation = [100,100];
dlg.size = [250,250];

dlg.intro = dlg.add('statictext', [20,20,150,40] );
dlg.intro.text = 'First select 1 or 2 items';

dlg.where = dlg.add('dropdownlist', [20,40,150,60] );
dlg.where.selection = dlg.where.add('item', 'top');
dlg.where.add('item', 'bottom');
dlg.where.add('item', 'left');
dlg.where.add('item', 'right');

dlg.btn = dlg.add('button', [20,70,150,90], 'Specify', 'spec');

// document
var doc = activeDocument;

// spec layer
try {
var speclayer =doc.layers['spec'];
} catch(err) {
var speclayer = doc.layers.add();
speclayer.name = 'spec';

// measurement line color
var color = new RGBColor;
color.green = 255;
color.blue = 0;

// gap between measurement lines and object
var gap = 2;

// size of measurement lines.
var size = 10;

// number of decimal places
var decimals = 0;

// pixels per inch
var dpi = 72;

Start the spec
function startSpec() {

if (doc.selection.length==1) {
specSingle( doc.selection[0].geometricBounds, dlg.where.selection.text );
} else if (doc.selection.length==2) {
specDouble( doc.selection[0], doc.selection[1], dlg.where.selection.text );
} else {
alert('please select 1 or 2 items');

dlg.close ();

Spec the gap between 2 elements
function specDouble( item1, item2, where ) {

var bound = new Array(0,0,0,0);

var a = item1.geometricBounds;
var b = item2.geometricBounds;

if (where=='top' || where=='bottom') {

if (b[0]>a[0]) { // item 2 on right,

if (b[0]>a[2]) { // no overlap
bound[0] =a[2];
bound[2] = b[0];
} else { // overlap
bound[0] =b[0];
bound[2] = a[2];
} else if (a[0]>=b[0]){ // item 1 on right

if (a[0]>b[2]) { // no overlap
bound[0] =b[2];
bound[2] = a[0];
} else { // overlap
bound[0] =a[0];
bound[2] = b[2];

bound[1] = Math.max (a[1], b[1]);
bound[3] = Math.min (a[3], b[3]);

} else {

if (b[3]>a[3]) { // item 2 on top
if (b[3]>a[1]) { // no overlap
bound[3] =a[1];
bound[1] = b[3];
} else { // overlap
bound[3] =b[3];
bound[1] = a[1];
} else if (a[3]>=b[3]){ // item 1 on top

if (a[3]>b[1]) { // no overlap
bound[3] =b[1];
bound[1] = a[3];
} else { // overlap
bound[3] =a[3];
bound[1] = b[1];

bound[0] = Math.min(a[0], b[0]);
bound[2] = Math.max (a[2], b[2]);
specSingle(bound, where );

spec a single object
[MENTION=343005]para[/MENTION]m bound item.geometricBound
[MENTION=343005]para[/MENTION]m where 'top', 'bottom', 'left,' 'right'
function specSingle( bound, where ) {

// width and height
var w = bound[2]-bound[0];
var h = bound[1]-bound[3];

// a & b are the horizontal or vertical positions that change
// c is the horizontal or vertical position that doesn't change
var a = bound[0];
var b = bound[2];
var c = bound[1];

// xy='x' (horizontal measurement), xy='y' (vertical measurement)
var xy = 'x';

// a direction flag for placing the measurement lines.
var dir = 1;

switch( where ) {

case 'top':
a = bound[0];
b = bound[2];
c = bound[1];
xy = 'x';
dir = 1;

case 'bottom':
a = bound[0];
b = bound[2];
c = bound[3];
xy = 'x';
dir = -1;

case 'left':
a = bound[1];
b = bound[3];
c = bound[0];
xy = 'y';
dir = -1;

case 'right':
a = bound[1];
b = bound[3];
c = bound[2];
xy = 'y';
dir = 1;


// create the measurement lines
var lines = new Array();

// horizontal measurement
if (xy=='x') {

// 2 vertical lines
lines[0]= new Array( new Array(a, c+(gap)*dir) );
lines[0].push ( new Array(a, c+(gap+size)*dir) );
lines[1]= new Array( new Array(b, c+(gap)*dir) );
lines[1].push( new Array(b, c+(gap+size)*dir) );

// 1 horizontal line
lines[2]= new Array( new Array(a, c+(gap+size/2)*dir ) );
lines[2].push( new Array(b, c+(gap+size/2)*dir ) );

// create text label
if (where=='top') {
var t = specLabel( w, (a+b)/2, lines[0][1][1] );
t.top += t.height;
} else {
var t = specLabel( w, (a+b)/2, lines[0][0][1] );
t.top -= t.height;
t.left -= t.width/2;

// vertical measurement
} else {

// 2 horizontal lines
lines[0]= new Array( new Array( c+(gap)*dir, a) );
lines[0].push ( new Array( c+(gap+size)*dir, a) );
lines[1]= new Array( new Array( c+(gap)*dir, b) );
lines[1].push( new Array( c+(gap+size)*dir, b) );

//1 vertical line
lines[2]= new Array( new Array(c+(gap+size/2)*dir, a) );
lines[2].push( new Array(c+(gap+size/2)*dir, b) );

// create text label
if (where=='left') {
var t = specLabel( h, lines[0][1][0], (a+b)/2 );
t.left -= t.width;
} else {
var t = specLabel( h, lines[0][0][0], (a+b)/2 );
t.left += size;
t.top += t.height/2;

// draw the lines
var specgroup = new Array(t);

for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
var p = doc.pathItems.add();
p.setEntirePath ( lines[i] );
setLineStyle( p, color );
specgroup.push( p );

group(speclayer, specgroup );


Create a text label that specify the dimension
function specLabel( val, x, y) {

var t = doc.textFrames.add();
t.textRange.characterAttributes.size = 8;
t.textRange.characterAttributes.alignment = StyleRunAlignmentType.center;

var v = val;
switch (doc.rulerUnits) {
case RulerUnits.Inches:
v = val/dpi;
v = v.toFixed (decimals);

case RulerUnits.Centimeters:
v = val/(dpi/2.54);
v = v.toFixed (decimals);

case RulerUnits.Millimeters:
v = val/(dpi/25.4);
v = v.toFixed (decimals);

case RulerUnits.Picas:
v = val/(dpi/6);
var vd = v - Math.floor (v);
vd = 12*vd;
v = Math.floor(v)+'p'+vd.toFixed (decimals);

v = v.toFixed (decimals);

t.contents = v;
t.top = y;
t.left = x;

return t;


function setLineStyle(path, color) {
path.filled = false;
path.stroked = true;
path.strokeColor = color;
path.strokeWidth = 0.5;

return path;

* Group items in a layer
function group( layer, items, isDuplicate) {

// create new group
var gg = layer.groupItems.add();

// add to group
// reverse count, because items length is reduced as items are moved to new group
for(var i=items.length-1; i>=0; i--) {

if (items[i]!=gg) { // don't group the group itself
if (isDuplicate) {
newItem = items[i].duplicate (gg, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);
} else {
items[i].move( gg, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING );

return gg;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

dlg.btn.addEventListener ('click', startSpec );
zoe81528 当前离线  
旧 2020-11-26, 10:27   只看该作者   #3
1515390048 1515390048 当前离线
等级: 五袋长老
级别:28 | 在线时长:912小时 | 升级还需:45小时级别:28 | 在线时长:912小时 | 升级还需:45小时级别:28 | 在线时长:912小时 | 升级还需:45小时级别:28 | 在线时长:912小时 | 升级还需:45小时
Uid: 481191
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现金: 172金币
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声望: 10 1515390048 向着好的方向发展
1515390048 1515390048 当前离线
等级: 五袋长老
级别:28 | 在线时长:912小时 | 升级还需:45小时级别:28 | 在线时长:912小时 | 升级还需:45小时级别:28 | 在线时长:912小时 | 升级还需:45小时级别:28 | 在线时长:912小时 | 升级还需:45小时
Uid: 481191
注册日期: 2015-10-14, 14:03
帖子: 856
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现金: 172金币
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声望: 10 1515390048 向着好的方向发展

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