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2005-09-29, 15:07 | #1 | |||
等级: 九袋长老
vBulletin 3.5.0 vBulletin 团队荣幸的宣布: vBulletin 3.5.0 黄金版本发布! vBulletin 3.5.0 是我们最新支持的稳定版本,取代了 3.0.x 系列。虽然在可预见的将来我们仍然会对 3.0.9 进行支持,提供必须的安全修正,但是现在我们推荐所有客户升级到 3.5.0 以获得其新功能和增强所带来的便利。 您可能已经关注了先前那些不稳定版本,我们在这里不提供从 3.0.9 以来的详细更新记录。如果您想查看更新记录,可以到这里。 “黄金版”意味着什么? 这个版本的官方名称为 vBulletin 3.5.0。您可能在某些地方听说有人把它叫做“黄金”版。其实“黄金”版的本意是,软件厂商将最终、稳定版本的软件刻录到一个黄金母盘上,以预备大批量生产 CD 并销售给客户。 自 RC3 以来的更新记录 * Cookie 路径与 Cookie 域名现在可以从下拉框选择或是在文本框自己填写 (如果您很有把握)。这样可以避免 Cookie 路径/域名设置错误导致无法登录。 * 合并主题现在将合并到其中一个存在的主题中,而不是创建一个新的。同时也提供了一个选项是否将其它主题替换成一个重定向链接。 * External.php 现在恢复回原来的基于主题发表时间获取主题标题。(添加了一个索引以优化这个查询。) * 一些新的钩子位置 安装或升级 vBulletin 请查看手册的相应章节: 安装 vBulletin 和升级 vBulletin。 注意安装的过程与 3.0.x 系列基本一致。 修改的文件 与 3.0.x 相比基本上所有的文件都进行过修改。 下面是从 vBulletin 3.0.x 到 3.5.0 更新记录摘要 * 产品/插件系统,超过 550 个“钩子”位置遍布在代码的各个地方。允许您修改和扩展 vBulletin 而无需手动修改 vBulletin 的 PHP 脚本。 * 快速管理允许您无需访问管理/版主面板便可批量对主题或帖子进行管理操作 * 完全重写的信息编辑器,您可以快速在标准模式和所见即所得模式进行切换 * 通过 AJAX 技术在版面显示页面 (forumdisplay) 快速编辑主题标题 * 通过 AJAX 技术在版面显示页面 (forumdisplay) 快速打开或关闭主题 * 通过 AJAX 技术在主题显示页面 (showthread) 进行超级快速回复 * 通过 AJAX 技术在主题显示页面 (showthread) 即时编辑帖子内容 * 通过 AJAX 技术在发送悄悄话和按用户名搜索时下拉菜单动态提示 (Username suggestion) * 使用数据操作 API (数据管理器) 集中数据保存工作 * 模板历史和比较功能,使您更容易跟踪模板的修改 * 基于数据库的主题和论坛已读标记 * MySQL 全文搜索 * 更多的数据缓存储存方式 * SMTP 邮件服务器支持 * MySQLi 支持 * PHPDoc 风格注释的源代码 * 版主日志支持多语言 * 风格管理器颜色选择器的 Webkit 支持 * ImageMagick 6 支持 (可以用来替换 GD 库以获得更快的速度和更好的缩略图质量) * 日历事件支持开始/结束时间 * 自定义头像和个人照片自动缩小 * 个人照片可以储存在文件系统中 * 统计排序 * 每个图片附件的类型都可以单独设置是否生成缩略图 * 每个图片附件的类型都可以单独设置是否在新窗口中打开 * 等待验证的主题和帖子不会被计入发帖人中帖子数,直到验证通过 * 页面下方的快速语言选择器 * 新的 BB 代码解析器现在可以修正无效的标签嵌套以生成正确的 HTML * 新的 [attach] BB 代码标签,可以将附件插入到帖子内容的任意位置 * 新的 [noparse] BB 代码标签,其中的内容若包含 BB 代码,将不会被解析 * PHP/CODE/HTML 代码块的内容将不会被强制换行 * 搜索引擎蜘蛛通过 XML 文件进行配置 * 新的“允许查看主题内容”权限 * 新的“允许上传 GIF 动画”权限 * 出了从本机上传附件,现在还支持通过 URL 上传附件 * 新的 (有助于新手) 方式设置 Cookie 路径/域名 * 版面描述不再限制 250 个字符 * 完全重写的付费订阅系统 - 现在名为支付网关 API。新增对 2checkout、Worldpay 和 Authorize.net 的支持 * “总是验证该用户组的发帖”权限被“遵循论坛帖子验证规则”替换 * 包含等待验证帖子的主题将会有一个特别的图标在版面显示页面指示,以通知版主 * 增强的从右向左语言的支持 * “执行 SQL 查询”增加了更多的自动查询 * 联系我们增加了图像验证,以避免垃圾邮件 * 增强的注册验证图片,更好的避免那些通过 OCR 技术猜测图片验证码的工具 * 控制面板导航栏内容现在由 XML 控制,方便添加更多的链接 * 升级系统现在在所有步骤完成后再统一导入最新的风格/语言/选项,而不是每个升级脚本都导入一次 * 在编辑签名时可以预览 * 日历事件 Email 提醒 * 当然,还修复了大量的 Bug [b]vBulletin 3.5.0[/b] The vBulletin team is proud to present vBulletin 3.5.0 [i]Gold[/i]. vBulletin 3.5.0 is now considered our stable and supported release, superceding the 3.0.x series. We now recommend that all customers upgrade to 3.5.0 to take advantage of the new features and improvements, although we will continue supporting 3.0.9 for the forseeable future, providing security fixes as necessary. Since many of you have been following the unstable releases, we will not post a full change log since 3.0.9 here, but if you want to view that list you may go [url="http://members.vbulletin.com/changelog.php"][u]here[/u][/url]. [b]What does 'Gold' Mean?[/b] The official name of this release is vBulletin 3.5.0, though you may hear it referred to as the 'gold' release. This term refers to the practise of burning the final, stable version of software to a gold CD in preparation for manufacture of the CDs for sale and distribution to customers. [b]Changes of note since RC3[/b] [list][*]Cookie paths and cookie domains are now selected from a drop down or a text box as an override (if you're really sure). This should help prevent invalid cookie paths/domains from being set.[*]Merging a thread now merges into one of the existing threads instead of a new one, also giving an option to replace the other threads with redirection notices.[*]External.php has returned to retrieving data based on the time the thread was originally posted. (An index was added to optimize this query.)[*]Some additional hooks[/list][b]Installing or Upgrading vBulletin[/b] Please see the appropriate manual sections: [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/install"][u]Installing vBulletin[/u][/url] and [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/upgrade"][u]Upgrading vBulletin[/u][/url]. Note that the process is the same as it was in the 3.0.x series. [b]Changed Files[/b] Consider all files to have changed since the 3.0.x series. [b]The are the template changes since 3.5.0 RC3 [u]ONLY[/u][/b] [b]If you are not running 3.5.0 RC 3 yet, there are significantly more changed tempates than are listed here. Use "Find Updated Templates" to find the templates that have changed and incorporate those changes. You may even wish to start with a default style![/b] [b]Note:[/b] You need to only look through this post for templates you have customized. You do not need to take any action to ensure that your uncustomized templates are the latest versions. If you find a template you have customized in this list, you will likely want to include the changes made here. However, this is not [i]always[/i] required. Under each change listed here, you will see "requires revert?" This refers to whether the changes are [b]mandatory[/b] (yes). If the changes are mandatory, things [i]will break[/i] if you do not incorporate the changes made. It is [i]strongly recommended[/i] that you revert and recustomize any templates that say they require a revert. Additionally, you may wish to use the "Find Updated Template" feature in the control panel to find templates that have been changed since your last edit to them. ----------------------------------------------------- [b]MEMBERINFO[/b] Conditionals controlling the [i]Additional Information[/i] panel have been changed. An age display has also been added if the user has chosen to display their age. Requires Revert? [b]Yes[/b] [b]threadadmin_mergethreads[/b] The merge threads options of inline moderation no longer creates a new thread. The moderator is given a select box from which to choose the destination thread. An option to leave redirects for the other merged threads is also now available. Requires Revert? [b]Yes[/b] [b]modifyprofile_birthday[/b] Added bit of text detailing what the date of birth option does. Requires Revert? No [b]SHOWTHREAD[/b] Don't print out threaded mode menu if we're not going to use it. Requires Revert? No [b]showthread_quickreply[/b] Replaced both instances of 600px with $stylevar[messagewidth]. Requires revert? No [b]STANDARD_ERROR[/b] [b]STANDARD_ERROR_LITE[/b] [b]STANDARD_REDIRECT[/b] Added missing trailing slashes to <meta> tags. Requires Revert? No. If you're not bothered about XHTML validation you can ignore this. [b]search_results[/b] Removed: HTML Code: maxlength="$vboptions[maxuserlength]" Requires Revert? You want to do this if you have usernames that are longer than your current max username length setting. [b]headinclude[/b] Change HTML Code: <if condition="$foruminfo"> to HTML Code: <if condition="$show['foruminfo']"> and HTML Code: <if condition="$threadinfo"> to HTML Code: <if condition="$show['threadinfo']"> Requires Revert? No but private forum and thread titles can be exposed without this change. [b]calendar_edit[/b] Split main <form> into two distinct forms to deal with bug [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/bugs35.php?do=view&bugid=1401"][u]1401[/u][/url]. Requires revert? No [b]modifyavatar[/b] Don't display avatar category select when there is only one avatar category. Requires revert? No [b]navbar[/b] [b]Edit Avatar[/b] link has been removed from [i]Quick Links[/i]. It left, it will continue to be present even when the user doesn't have permission to use predefined avatars. Requires Revert? No [right][url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=972127"][u] [/u][/url][/right] Kier [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/member.php?u=1034"][u]View Public Profile[/u][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/private.php?do=newpm&u=1034"][u]Send a private message to Kier[/u][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/sendmessage.php?do=mailmember&u=1034"][u]Send email to Kier[/u][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/"][u]Visit Kier's homepage![/u][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/search.php?do=finduser&u=1034"][u]Find all posts by Kier[/u][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/profile.php?do=addlist&userlist=buddy&u=1034"][u]Add Kier to Your Buddy List[/u][/url] [center] #[url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showpost.php?p=972170&postcount=3"][b][u]3[/u][/b][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/report.php?p=972170"][u] [/u][/url] Today, 6:07am [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/member.php?u=1034"][b][i][u]Kier[/u][/i][/b][/url] vbmenu_register("postmenu_972170", true); vBulletin Developer Product Manager Join Date: Sep 2000 Location: Reading, UK Posts: 7,008 Oh... and we hope you like our little homage to the old vB 1.1x style we have running here [right][url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=972170"][u] [/u][/url][/right] Kier [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/member.php?u=1034"][u]View Public Profile[/u][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/private.php?do=newpm&u=1034"][u]Send a private message to Kier[/u][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/sendmessage.php?do=mailmember&u=1034"][u]Send email to Kier[/u][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/"][u]Visit Kier's homepage![/u][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/search.php?do=finduser&u=1034"][u]Find all posts by Kier[/u][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/profile.php?do=addlist&userlist=buddy&u=1034"][u]Add Kier to Your Buddy List[/u][/url] [/center] #[url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showpost.php?p=972250&postcount=4"][b][u]4[/u][/b][/url] [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/report.php?p=972250"][u] [/u][/url] Today, 6:36am [url="http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/member.php?u=1034"][b][i][u]Kier[/u][/i][/b][/url] vbmenu_register("postmenu_972250", true); vBulletin Developer Product Manager Join Date: Sep 2000 Location: Reading, UK Posts: 7,008 [b]Summary Changelog[/b] [b]The following is a rough summary of what has changed between vBulletin 3.0.x and 3.5.0[/b] [list][*]Product/Plugin system with over 550 'hook' locations strategically placed in the code. Allows modification and extension of vBulletin without physical alteration of the vBulletin PHP scripts.[*]Inline moderation allows multiple threads or posts to be have moderation actions performed without a visit to the admin or moderator control panels[*]Completely rewritten message editor with ability to instantly switch between standard and WYSIWYG modes[*]Thread title editing on forumdisplay via AJAX[*]Thread opening and closing on forumdisplay via AJAX[*]Super-Quick Reply on showthread via AJAX[*]Inline post edit on showthread via AJAX[*]Username suggestion for PM recipients and search by user via AJAX[*]Data manipulation APIs (Data Manager) for centralized data saving[*]Template History & Comparison for easy tracking of changes[*]Database-based thread and forum read marking[*]MySQL Full Text Search[*]Additional Datastore Storage Methods[*]SMTP Mail Wrapper[*]MySQLi Wrapper[*]PHPDoc'd Source Code[*]Moderator log language abstraction[*]Webkit support for style manager color picker[*]ImageMagick 6 Support (alternative to GD)[*]Calendar events support start/end times[*]Custom avatar and profile picture resizing[*]Profile pictures can be saved to filesystem[*]Statistics ordering[*]Each attachment image type can be individually set to generate thumbnails or not[*]Each attachment image type can be individually set to open in a new window or not[*]Moderated posts and threads do not contribute to post count until approved[*]Language chooser in footer[*]New bbcode parser now corrects invalid tag nesting to ensure valid HTML[*]New [attach] bbcode tag for placing attachments inline with messages[*]New [noparse] bbcode tag for disabling bbcode parsing within[*]Word wrap excludes contents of PHP/CODE/HTML blocks[*]Search engine spider configuration via XML file[*]New 'Can View Thread Content' permission[*]New 'Can Upload Animated GIF' permission[*]Attachment upload via URL in addition to local upload[*]New (hopefully foolproof) method for setting cookiepath/cookiedomain[*]Forum description field no longer limited to 250 characters[*]Completely rewritten Paid Subscriptions system - now known as Payment APIs. New support for 2checkout, Worldpay and Authorize.net[*]'Always Moderate Group Posts' permission replaced with more logical 'Follow Forum Moderation Rules' permission[*]Threads containing posts awaiting moderation have indicator icon on forumdisplay for moderators[*]Right-to-left language support improved[*]Additional 'Execute SQL' auto-queries added[*]Image verification for sendmessage to avoid spam issues[*]Improved registration image verification to out-fox those pesky bots[*]Control panel navigation controlled by XML for easier addition of links[*]Upgrade system now imports styles/languages/options only after upgrade complete rather than after each script[*]Ability to preview signature edits[*]Calendar event email reminders[*]And of course, numerous bugs and annoyances resolved.[/list] |
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