Uid: 160947
注册日期: 2010-05-06, 23:43
感谢: 138
51 个帖子获得 98 次感谢
现金: 193金币
资产: 193金币
声望: 10
稍微对bounds坐标了解了一些:把面板改小了一些,但是发现Panel的边线不见了 不知何故?请看面板
PHP 代码:
#target illustrator
var nSel = app.selection.length;
if (nSel > 0) {
} else {
function doWindow()
// Create the window
var win = new Window("dialog", "创建参考线", [150, 150, 466,550]); // bounds = [left, top, right, bottom]
this.windowRef = win;
// Add a panel
win.edgesPanel = win.add("panel", [25, 25, 291, 103], "方位");
win.one4allPanel = win.add("panel", [25, 149, 291, 199], "类别");
win.visgeoPanel = win.add("panel", [25, 224, 291, 274], "边界");
win.offsetPanel = win.add("panel", [25, 298, 291, 358], "位移");
win.edgesPanel.chkTop = win.edgesPanel.add("checkbox", [16, 24, 46, 38], "上");
win.edgesPanel.chkBottom = win.edgesPanel.add("checkbox", [62, 24, 92, 38], "下");
win.edgesPanel.chkLeft = win.edgesPanel.add("checkbox", [149, 24, 179, 38], "左");
win.edgesPanel.chkRight = win.edgesPanel.add("checkbox", [206, 24, 236, 38], "右");
win.edgesPanel.chkCntrHor = win.edgesPanel.add("checkbox", [16, 50, 82, 64], "纵向中心");
win.edgesPanel.chkCntrVert = win.edgesPanel.add("checkbox", [149, 50, 214, 63], "横向中心");
win.edgesPanel.chkTop.value = true;
win.edgesPanel.chkBottom.value = true;
win.edgesPanel.chkLeft.value = true;
win.edgesPanel.chkRight.value = true;
win.edgesPanel.chkCntrHor.value = true;
win.edgesPanel.chkCntrVert.value = true;
// Add radio buttons
win.one4allPanel.each = win.one4allPanel.add("radiobutton", [16, 21, 82, 34], "逐个对象");
win.one4allPanel.all = win.one4allPanel.add("radiobutton", [149, 21, 215, 34], "视为整体");
// Select the first radio button
win.one4allPanel.each.value = true;
// Add radio buttons
win.visgeoPanel.vis = win.visgeoPanel.add("radiobutton", [16, 21, 82, 34], "视觉边界");
win.visgeoPanel.geo = win.visgeoPanel.add("radiobutton", [149, 21, 215, 34], "轮廓边界");
// Select the first radio button
win.visgeoPanel.geo.value = true;
// Add offset fields
win.offsetPanel.vOffLbl = win.offsetPanel.add("statictext", [16, 19, 64, 33], " 纵向位移");
win.offsetPanel.vOff = win.offsetPanel.add("edittext", [68,17,118,32], "0");
win.offsetPanel.vOffLbl = win.offsetPanel.add("statictext", [125, 20, 147, 34], "mm ");
win.offsetPanel.hOffLbl = win.offsetPanel.add("statictext", [16, 39, 64, 53], " 横向位移");
win.offsetPanel.hOff = win.offsetPanel.add("edittext", [68,37,118,52], "0");
win.offsetPanel.hOffLbl = win.offsetPanel.add("statictext", [125, 39,147 ,53], "mm ");
win.cancelBtn = win.add("button", [120,365, 198, 385], "取消");
win.quitBtn = win.add("button", [213,365,291,385], "确定");
win.defaultElement = win.quitBtn;
win.cancelElement = win.cancelBtn;
// Event listener for the quit button
win.quitBtn.onClick = function() {
var bVB = win.visgeoPanel.vis.value;
var bEach = win.one4allPanel.each.value;
var xOff = win.offsetPanel.hOff.text.replace(",", ".");
var yOff = win.offsetPanel.vOff.text.replace(",", ".");
if (yOff.search("pt") > 0) {
yOff = yOff.replace("pt", "");
yOff = yOff * 1;
} else {
yOff = yOff * 72 / 25.4;
if (xOff.search("pt") > 0) {
xOff = xOff.replace("pt", "");
xOff = xOff * 1;
} else {
xOff = xOff * 72 / 25.4;
var bTop = win.edgesPanel.chkTop.value;
var bLeft = win.edgesPanel.chkLeft.value;
var bRight = win.edgesPanel.chkRight.value;
var bBottom = win.edgesPanel.chkBottom.value;
var bVC = win.edgesPanel.chkCntrVert.value;
var bHC = win.edgesPanel.chkCntrHor.value;
doGuides(bTop, bLeft, bBottom, bRight, bVC, bHC, bVB, bEach, xOff, yOff);
win.center(); //让面板居中屏幕
function doGuides(bTop, bLeft, bBottom, bRight, bVC, bHC, bVB, bEach, xOff, yOff) {
if (bEach == true) {
for (var n = 0; n < nSel; n++) {
if (bVB) {
var myBounds = app.selection[n].visibleBounds;
drawGuides(bTop, bLeft, bBottom, bRight, bVC, bHC, myBounds, xOff, yOff);
} else {
var myBounds = app.selection[n].geometricBounds;
drawGuides(bTop, bLeft, bBottom, bRight, bVC, bHC, myBounds, xOff, yOff);
} else {
if (bVB) {
var myBounds = app.selection[0].visibleBounds;
for (var n = 1; n < nSel; n++) {
var tVB = app.selection[n].visibleBounds;
if (tVB[0] < myBounds[0]) {myBounds[0] = tVB[0];}
if (tVB[1] > myBounds[1]) {myBounds[1] = tVB[1];}
if (tVB[2] > myBounds[2]) {myBounds[2] = tVB[2];}
if (tVB[3] < myBounds[3]) {myBounds[3] = tVB[3];}
} else {
var myBounds = app.selection[0].geometricBounds;
for (var n = 1; n < nSel; n++) {
var tVB = app.selection[n].geometricBounds;
if (tVB[0] < myBounds[0]) {myBounds[0] = tVB[0];}
if (tVB[1] > myBounds[1]) {myBounds[1] = tVB[1];}
if (tVB[2] > myBounds[2]) {myBounds[2] = tVB[2];}
if (tVB[3] < myBounds[3]) {myBounds[3] = tVB[3];}
drawGuides(bTop, bLeft, bBottom, bRight, bVC, bHC, myBounds, xOff, yOff);
function drawGuides(bTop, bLeft, bBottom, bRight, bVC, bHC, myBounds, xOff, yOff) {
if (bTop) {
drawGuide(false, myBounds[1]+yOff);
if (bLeft) {
drawGuide(true, myBounds[0]-xOff);
if (bBottom) {
drawGuide(false, myBounds[3]-yOff);
if (bRight) {
drawGuide(true, myBounds[2]+xOff);
if (bVC) {
var half = (myBounds[1]-myBounds[3])/2;
drawGuide(false, half+myBounds[3]);
if (bHC) {
drawGuide(true, ((myBounds[2]-myBounds[0])/2) + myBounds[0]);
function drawGuide(bVert, pos) {
var aDoc = app.activeDocument;
var aPath = aDoc.pathItems.add();
aPoint = aPath.pathPoints.add();
with (aPoint) {
if (bVert) {
anchor = leftDirection = rightDirection = [pos,-5000];
} else {
anchor = leftDirection = rightDirection = [-5000,pos];
pointTyoe = PointType.CORNER;
aPoint = aPath.pathPoints.add();
with (aPoint) {
if (bVert) {
anchor = leftDirection = rightDirection = [pos,5000];
} else {
anchor = leftDirection = rightDirection = [5000,pos];
pointTyoe = PointType.CORNER;
aPath.guides = true;