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2020-03-16, 15:03 | #1 | |||
等级: 六袋长老
What’s New in PaSharp 10.0 1. PDF#: Supports importing standard PDF and ESKO PDF files while preserving layer name and its relation. 2. Supports Adobe Illustrator CC2020, but MAC OS 10.14 needs to be upgraded to 10.15, there is problem for PaSharp working with CC2020 on MAC 10.14. 3. Supports more type in Barcode#. Add more type of barcode; now support type of EAN 8, EAN 13, UPC-A, UPC-E, Interleave2 of 5, ITF-14, CODE 39, CODE 128, QR and GS1 128 etc. 4. Update Founder RIP Screening in Screen# Screen# supports Screen Trueflow, Founder RIP. Founder RIP means Founder EagleRIP v5.1 or above, Founder Elecroc v6.0 or above. When you specify the screen information for different separation and different object, please make sure each parameter is selected, no “None” item is checked. After screen information has been specified, select “Output to PDF” from “BasicFunction” of PaSharp to generate PDF file, then the screen information will be recognized by corresponding RIP or workflow. Pleasecheck on “Zone Screen First” in Founder RIP in order to recognize the specifiedscreen information in PDF file. 5. Comes with more languages The interface of PaSharp will be displayed in Korean when install it on Korean Adobe Illustrator. 6. New features in Mark# Smart text supports total ink number, structure ink number and varnish inknumber. 7. New features in Basic Function Supports total ink number, structure ink number, varnish ink number in variable manager. 8. New features in Tool#: Eyedropper tool supports to TAC preview. 9. New features in Search# Supports to search envelop object, CMYK ink, spot color ink, all font and TAC etc. 10. New features in Nest# Supports a new bleed option in "Bleed" function, rectangular bleed for the bleeding around the whole plate. 11. New features in Ink# In Ink Manager Window, add one item of "Ignore". If check on this item for one ink, then this ink will not be used in Mark#. 12. Improvements in Trap# Fix the problem of “If check off ‘Sliding’ option in Trap ticket, after trapping, color Pair panel only display ‘Normal’ and ‘Bilateral’, the option of ‘Sliding’ cannot be selected.” 13. Improvements in Trap# Fix the problem of “sometimes AI is crashed when use Trap edge tool”. 14. Improvements in Tool# Fix the problem of “sometimes AI is crashed when use PaSharp Measure tool”. |
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