Hello everyone, I'm sorry I don't speak Chinese, I'm from Europe and I recently started working as a prepress technician. I need to download Artpro+ for Mac but I haven't found any working links. I also tried installing a Windows Virtual Machine in my computer but the "patched" software I found for Windows doesn't work, the license is not valid.
Since I'm in Europe I can't access Chinese cloud services such as Baidu. Can anyone please help me?
cdn.mysoftware.esko.com/downloads/EskoSoftwarePlatform/2022-Q1-March/Interactive Applications for Mac/ArtPro+_22.03.dmg
cdn.mysoftware.esko.com/downloads/EskoSoftwarePlatform/2022-Q1-March/Interactive Applications for Mac/ArtPro+_22.03.dmg
Thank you for the files, but what I need is the license.