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2022-08-02, 11:48 | #1 | |||
等级: 六袋长老
Checking Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 64-bit redistributables. INFO - The 2019 64-bit redistributables are installed. All the required Esko Software Microsoft Visual Studio redistributables are installed. The system is ready for installing/updating Automation Engine 22.07. Checking installation of the SQL Server Engine ... WARNING - The SQL Server instance is not installed on this system. ***************************************************************** ERROR - A fatal error occurred. The installation procedure will be aborted. ***************************************************************** Click 'Continue' to quit the installation procedure
独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻 |
2022-08-02, 15:20 | 只看该作者 #3 | |||
等级: 九袋长老
印前(软件)教学 印前(流程)教学 印前(色彩)教学 印能捷&印能捷EVO、HQRIP和海德堡Prinect,esko流程、GMG & CGS & EFI数码打样类软件,印能捷数据库修复,超强专业印前系统! 更多介绍 http://33161288.lofter.com/ 出售金币(100RMB=160金币,最低100起售,量大从优) 印前脚本及插件订制 联系[QQ:33161288] ----------------------------------------------------------- 承接:文件制作,文件修改,文件拼版,输出最终1 bit tiff |
右列会员因为此帖价值甚高向 QQ33161288 表示感谢: |
61766658 (2022-08-02)