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2024-02-20, 07:11 | 只看该作者 #2 | ||
等级: 二袋长老
基材是指材料的种类(比如不干胶,pvc版等等) 缺刻尺寸翻译的有误差,英文是nick size。是指这种材料默认的桥位宽度 原文: Nicks are small pieces of substrate that are not cut by the table and thus create interruptions in the cut path when exporting to i -cut. As a result, the cut design will stay attached to the substrate. Nicks may be present in the design, but the nick tool allows you to add or remove extra nicks that guarantee tiles to stay connected. You can specify the size of the nick in the box.Click the cut path and add or remove nicks as you wish. When exporting, the position and size of the nicks will be saved in the .cut file. |
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悠一 (2024-02-20)