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2010-06-12, 18:52 | 只看该作者 #17 | |||
等级: 四袋长老
不过我也想请moonyboy兄好好看看这两个帖子,主持主持公道,看看究竟是谁在挑事,谁在搞些不和谐,先谢谢了。 ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— 但话说回来,我觉得我的整个回帖对Memuriko已经是非常客气了,别张口闭口就中印,你能代表中印的谁说话? 我在原帖子:如何把点阵图放大而且不发虚?(https://www.cnprint.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=119363)里给坛友jununj2 出个点子,碍你什么事了? 再说坛友jununj2在帖子里说的很清楚: 现在手里有几张图片,都是点阵图,分辨率都是72像素/英寸,如果变成300像素/英寸,用什么办法,能让它清晰度依旧呢? 当然,图片的尺寸还是原大,不能缩小。 如果是300像素/英寸的点阵图,怎么才能把它放大后,图像不发虚呢? 基于上述要求,我的方法不对吗?有本事你拿出来更好的解决方法啊。动不动就把问题推给客户,让客户自己解决就是你最好的方法?即然遇到问题都可以推给客户,让客户自己解决,还要你这种印前干什么? 我苦口婆心的回复你,你看看你自己的回帖,从一开始你是个好好讨论的态度吗?你说要另开帖子讲明白道理,我的这个帖子讲的还不够仔细吗?我详解了这么多不算是给出自己正确的道理吗?不算是明确自己技术所基于的原理吗?如果还不算,那什么算是?我亲自上门给你开课吗?再说了,别自己看不懂就说没给你讲原理。 我再一次明确告诉你,截止到目前为止,我的方法是所有解决这类问题方法中最好的。不服你就拿个你认为切实可行的摆摆,如果你的方法能超过我的,算我入行二十年白做了,用不着我觉得德高望重之人出面。 我在帖子里重复了很多遍:希望坛友jununj2 能传一张小图上来,大家按自己的方法处理看看,让事实说话岂不更好? 难道你看不到吗?用你现在的三脚猫的技术,你敢应战吗? 另外我觉得好笑的是,我做过近二十年的印前怎么了?碍你什么事了?我还告诉你,我在做印前一开始就从事摄影,从以前自己做暗房到现在的彩扩机,全过程我全了如指掌,用不着你拿些没有理论支撑的大道理教育我,在这个圈里就算我再差也比你强,不服就放马过来,做个实际的活看看。 回头看看整个帖子,好象铁心不回头的人不是我,而是你吧。 |
2010-06-12, 19:46 | 只看该作者 #18 | |||
等级: 四袋长老
2010-06-13, 03:08 | 只看该作者 #24 | |||
等级: 五袋长老
in this post, its master wanna descript a so call best skill to make a low resolution digital photo printing: low resolution digital photo > resolution changed photo process > high resolution scanning > printing temple production. and he laugh at others who didn't agree with it that have little knowledge. so, i became angry and made many reply to negative it: " low resolution digital photo(like 72PPI) had lost lots info and limited in monitor watching and not suits for printing in its true size", he said "no way, it's just ur words"; "'resolution changed photo process' makes digital picture beatiful, but just for limited wacthing but not a real printing production, the real info of the original is still lost, and those interpolations are not sure good after the 'linked network mechanism ' ,and it can't save anything essential", he said "no way, it's just ur words"; "object scanning for making a digital photo is hardly absolutely same as the object, not to mention to be absolutely same as the original digital, even low to high resolution scanning",he had no answer but angry. then i tested and asked if he understand the principle in my words or his, he just said "it's experience, and easily 'say not' for 'the experience' is incorrect". ...... don't u all belive it's useless to speak anything more? now i only treat him as the guy that "have little knowledge" and never admit mistakes, and the word "twenty-year-experience is useless" is not came from my mouth by himself. for printing, i know the responsibility that make clients' dreams come true, but it's no meaning to change the rule for this. Such as a doctor, he has responsibility to cure patient, but no to play a body. bad product is also products, and no client wants to get the bad. to tell client "it's ok", is just makes them belive it's real good and brings the printing chaos, and how about the printing accident? it's my last one reply in his post, i will speak nothing with my angry to his ignorance and hypocrisy. 此帖于 2010-06-13 03:24 被 Memuriko 编辑. |
2010-06-13, 13:54 | 只看该作者 #25 | ||
等级: 三袋长老
Thanks your reply and post it so EARLY in the morning. I suppose you think I agree what is the theory quoted by the post owner of this thread. Otherwise I will not have that details reply to my post. In my post, I just want to express the basic theory (in my understanding) of a process photo, digital photo and the process of conversion. How the others going to interpret or implement it, this is out of my control. I don't have any will or obligation to make the others to agree what I said. I also trying not to discuss other person's attitude on the web, for me this is meaningless. Otherwise, I will get heart attack all the time. In theory, from one form transform to another, there is no 100% transform. There is always some losses in somewhere. How people accept the result of transform do not has a definite answer, which is depends on what is the degree of acceptance in tolerances. For example, in color transform, someone accept delta 5 is the acceptance tolerance and someone need a delta at 2. Can I said the one accept delta 5 is wrong? In photo transform, I will say the transform is not a strict forward conversion. There are a lot smoothing, enhancement, noise effects included. The final result wanted is having an acceptable photo. As the same explained before, how good would be the result, this still depends on what is the specification of acceptance. Another example may be much more easy to understand. I ask a person how much who need to spend for a month. A normal working person may only need RMB3000 in major city in China. But if I ask a person in US, who may need to have US2000 for a month. At last, even my reply is not that long and details can compare with your reply. I hope this can compensate your hard working on your reply. |
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Memuriko (2010-06-13)