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2020-03-13, 17:02 | 只看该作者 #271 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
参考如下: https://wiki.esko.com/pages/viewpage...geId=180992568 |
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2020-03-16, 15:17 | 只看该作者 #274 | ||
等级: 三袋长老
When you call a PDF file with "Insert -> Station" in PACKZ, "Overprint" does not recognize the given objects. For now, it is problematic to call a PDF file as a PDF link in PACKZ. |
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2020-03-19, 08:46 | 只看该作者 #280 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
CoronaVIR-19真是搅乱一池春水,Drupa2020似乎铁定延期了? ArtPro+ 20 VS. PACKZ 6.0 这场戏何时开唱 ? |
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2020-03-19, 19:59 | 只看该作者 #283 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
欢迎十方大德提供PACKZ 6.0.0b007测试版... |
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右列 5 位会员因为此帖价值甚高向 重庆&老鬼 表示感谢: |
A-J (2020-03-19),
jacky_0527 (2020-03-20),
missortr (2020-03-20),
sisca (2020-03-22),
Zeyback (2020-03-19)
2020-03-19, 21:23 | 只看该作者 #284 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
欢迎测试inter1000的artpro+ 18.1.0 license code +一字节修改法; 本人是以inter1000的18.0授权码,将18.0改成18.1并且ecc patch再加上checksum修改法,可以完美使用,提供思路供大家参考..... |
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2020-03-20, 14:56 | 只看该作者 #285 | ||
等级: 三袋长老
I have encountered a lot of problems for advanced users. I have reported these issues "support @ hybritsoftware". There is a problem in VDP. (Variable data printing) Tpapping has minor problems. There are problems with PDF files called with Link. There are problems with using live objects. There are problems with the use of dynamic mark. But all these are minor mistakes. The main (Major) problem is that it doesn't see Overprint in the PDF file called by link. By the way, I also use ArtPro +. There are too many shortcomings. But now it works faster than "PACKZ". PACKZ 5.1.6 runs faster than 5.2.2. |
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