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2020-04-18, 08:28 | 只看该作者 #337 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
PACKZ是有些疲乏现象产生,很多客户抱怨,Esko正面临一场艰困的挑战,是否能攻下PACKZ已经站稳的阵地,让我们拭目以待. ArtPro+全部困在没有inter1000的artpro+ 20授权码,难道就这样坐以待毙吗?难道大家都忘记Ecc patch法吗?伸手伸习惯了就忘记自己还有一双万能的手吗? Just do it !没有inter1000的Lic也可以爽爽的学习ArtPro+ 20;PACKZ 6.0如果刚发表就被惊天动地20秒解决,那麽会怎样? PACKZ patcher 6.0已经Ready,我猜10秒就解决(SSD硬盘) |
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2020-04-20, 15:00 | 只看该作者 #341 | ||
等级: 三袋长老
When you purchase the program, you will receive updates of that year for free. If you make a maintenance agreement, you will receive a free update for a small price. And you get a free question and answer support service. When using the program, you can ask anything you want or cannot solve. They have to answer and resolve. (These are things to be done as per maintenance agreement) |
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2020-04-20, 15:25 | 只看该作者 #342 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
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