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2020-04-24, 23:28 | 只看该作者 #361 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
也发现PACKZ 5.2.5或许不发表;或许是PACKZ 5.2.5 Build 72(或者以後), 感觉整个PACKZ公司的开发脚步变慢,或许有关键的软件开发人员染疫? |
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2020-04-25, 23:16 | 只看该作者 #362 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
不过PACKZ 6.0 alpha build 10很是顽固....需要patcher+人工 |
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2020-05-01, 10:06 | 只看该作者 #365 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
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右列会员因为此帖价值甚高向 重庆&老鬼 表示感谢: |
火星来客 (2020-05-04)
2020-05-02, 09:56 | 只看该作者 #366 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
Packz有一个基於CAD的“重复”模块,可以自动将模版准确地准确定位到模切,施涂工位和新的废料编号上;它还可以自动应用普通刀超速进行放血。 “旋转和翻滚”技术使前向後方重复播放,并且可以使用查看选项检查相互的套准。使用Live Objects进行高级装饰可以完成动态套准标记,墨水消耗器,控制条等的重复。该软件导出CIP文件以调整胶印油墨区域。 荣获InterTech大奖的可变数据打印解决方案为纸箱制造商提供了使用可变文本,更改颜色和图像,数字和条形码来增强设计的工具,从而帮助他们进入数字印刷纸箱市场。 VDP执行选项将静态和可变设计元素组合为优化的PDF布局,并以闪电般的速度将任何数量的输出输出到任何数字印刷机。 可以使用Cloudflow和VDP Booster在後台执行更大的可变数据量。 Cloudflow是用於文件处理,资产管理,软校样和工作流自动化的模块化生产工作流套件。基於Web的体系结构是专门为包装行业量身定制的,还适合在家中进行远程工作。 |
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右列会员因为此帖价值甚高向 重庆&老鬼 表示感谢: |
火星来客 (2020-05-04)
2020-05-02, 23:27 | 只看该作者 #367 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
至於PACKZ 6.0有什麽新功能? VDP booster? 还有什麽? 让我们继续关注吧! |
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2020-05-03, 02:08 | 只看该作者 #368 | ||
等级: 三袋长老
There are also 5.2 too many bugs. It is said that PACKZ has VDP as standard. However, there are fees for extra features. VDP in PACKZ is difficult to use. (According to DeskPack VDP) I'm someone who uses both heavily. But, PACKZ is now a much more advanced software than ArtPro +. The equivalent of Cloudflow is Automation Engine. Automation engine is much better. I am someone who uses the programs of both companies intensively. I can say that, Hybrit software programs are not generally user-friendly programs. Interface needs to be developed. In summary, PACKZ is among the programs that should be on the market. Competition is good for us users. Remember, ArtPro + would not be developed without PACKZ. |
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右列会员因为此帖价值甚高向 RealX11 表示感谢: |
duffyduck (2020-05-03)
2020-05-03, 02:27 | 只看该作者 #369 | ||
等级: 五袋长老
PACKZ is much over packed with features which other individual software products can do a lot better. so in summary PACKZ has lots more functions than ap+ but none of them is fitting every detail to be 100% perfect. so who needs a lot of features which only do 50% of the job? the GUI of PACKZ is getting mor and more messy. lots of PACKZ users are complaining about the non intuitive cluttered interface but hybrid doesnt care. the pdf engine of PACKZ is still crap, esko has a much more compatible and more stable solution. IMHO ap+ will leave PACKZ far behind in the next two years. |
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2020-05-03, 14:55 | 只看该作者 #370 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
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2020-05-03, 17:14 | 只看该作者 #371 | ||
等级: 三袋长老
Esko has many product groups to develop. (It has about 30-40 kinds of products.) hybrid software has 2 products. (PACKZ an CloudFlow) Hybrid focuses on only 2 kinds of programs. Esko focuses on 20 types of programs. PACKZ doesn't care about the complaints of those who use it. However, he should take this matter seriously. In order to increase its users in this market. |
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2020-05-03, 17:21 | 只看该作者 #372 | ||
等级: 五袋长老
biggest problem is that you only realize the shitty support of hybrid AFTER you have spent lots of money for their crappy software. but then its too late! |
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2020-05-04, 14:03 | 只看该作者 #373 | ||
等级: 三袋长老
Let's not say that the software sucks. There are too many mistakes. But I agree with you on the subject. Customer support; It's very, very, very shitty. |
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2020-05-04, 20:20 | 只看该作者 #374 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
只能修改MAC Address比对处?其实不管如何编码,最终在内存还是要还原的不是吗?USB硬盘,随插即用的概念,从A台winpc,直接copy到B台WinPC,直接使用, 免安装...免code meter driver,彻底实现,绿色软件.... 影片後补.... |
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