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2018-04-03, 13:06 | 只看该作者 #34 | |||
等级: 八袋长老
生产不干胶贴纸,双面胶EVA,珍珠棉,海棉等电子绝缘材料等业务!树下春包装材料:https://shuxc1688.taobao.com/ |
2018-04-05, 11:29 | 只看该作者 #35 | ||
等级: 四袋长老
链接: https://www.fogra.org/index.php?menu...288&getlang=en Funding: Programme of the Federal Ministry of Ecomonics and Technology for the support of "Industrielle Gemeinschaftsforschung (IGF)" via the German Federation of Industrial Assosiations (AiF) Since printing and visual problems frequently arise when using the KCMY (black, cyan, magenta, yellow) colour sequence that is specified in the standard, the properties of different colour sequences in the sheet-fed offset and web printing process are to be analysed and described under current conditions. The investigations will consider both visual criteria and the mechanical resistance of the printed ink systems in the form of smearing and set off. The tested colour sequences KCMY, KMCY, YMCK and YCMK displayed clear differences in their colour characteristics. However, the differences can be compensated for to a certain extent by means of device-link profile-based colour management. Soiling of the yellow ink on the final press unit as a result of the uptake of the inks printed upstream can be forestalled by inter-station drying in continuous stationery printing or by switching the yellow and black. However, when printed first, yellow usually results in mixed colours appearing mottled on uncoated papers. If the black lies on top there is also an increased risk that rubbing will result in visual disruptions. Swapping cyan and magenta can, depending upon the composition of the mixed colour being printed, help to produce a more uniform print out. Two-colour sample prints were used for a detailed investigation of both gravimetric ink trapping and various density measurement-based ink trapping formulae. Colorimetrically based formulae were also considered and a new colorimetric ink trapping formula was introduced that reflects the optical properties of superimposed printing. |
2018-04-06, 12:41 | 只看该作者 #37 | |||
等级: 八袋长老
he tested colour sequences KCMY, KMCY, YMCK and YCMK displayed clear differences in their colour characteristics. However, the differences can be compensated for to a certain extent by means of device-link profile-based colour management. 然后继续又说到了黄墨串色的问题,可以通过换CM的色序到减轻这类问题。 Soiling of the yellow ink on the final press unit as a result of the uptake of the inks printed upstream can be forestalled by inter-station drying in continuous stationery printing or by switching the yellow and black. However, when printed first, yellow usually results in mixed colours appearing mottled on uncoated papers. If the black lies on top there is also an increased risk that rubbing will result in visual disruptions. Swapping cyan and magenta can, depending upon the composition of the mixed colour being printed, help to produce a more uniform print out. 鬼文看的真费劲 |
2018-04-06, 20:39 | 只看该作者 #39 | ||
等级: 四袋长老
2018-04-10, 21:06 | 只看该作者 #42 | |||
等级: 八袋长老
假如客户来的标准的forgra39色稿,每种纸张的吸墨性能都不同,严格来说最好每种纸张都有相应的补偿曲线,那怕是DL,也是需要不同的ICC来进行转换,单改纸白,是没法准确的去模拟出不同纸张的TVI的,同样纸白的光哑粉纸TVI都会不同。我就不信你光哑卡灰不同纸换个纸印还会洗个车调个色序 假如客户来的标准的forgra39色稿,KMCY的色序走DL也是会有问题的,因为100%CM转换出来必定是变成类似90M100C,变成网点的,不要说颜色一样就好了,有些客户就是说你不准,“我CM100实地的,怎么变有网了。” 而假如你直接KCMY,CMYK叠印Lab都可符合ISO要求,实地符合要求,该走TVI走TVI,该DL走DL,省去不该有的问题 ,对管理来说也轻松一些,也省去了我打那么多字,你说对不 |
2018-04-11, 18:14 | 只看该作者 #44 | ||
等级: 四袋长老
2018-04-11, 20:03 | 只看该作者 #45 | |||
等级: 八袋长老
forgra中是有提到某些特殊情况下是要KMCY以增加平均性,但是也说了色序不同会有明显的视觉差异。The tested colour sequences KCMY, KMCY, YMCK and YCMK displayed clear differences in their colour characteristics. 同时也提到了标准中规定KCMY Since printing and visual problems frequently arise when using the KCMY (black, cyan, magenta, yellow) colour sequence that is specified in the standard 也有提到了长车头Y色串色的问题。 Soiling of the yellow ink on the final press unit as a result of the uptake of the inks printed upstream can be forestalled by inter-station drying in continuous stationery printing or by switching the yellow and black. 除非是有些轮转柔印凹印等无法变更色序时我才会去做特别的处理。不然胶印一般我要求必须固定KCMY,除非有专色,不然一定按照这个要求去做 |