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2017-11-06, 22:42 | 只看该作者 #46 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
When it comes to esko patches it all starts either at CPC or at printroot or at both forums at the same time, because wether the bosses like it or not CPC and printroot sometimes go hand in hand. All the others are mere copycats, the fake 0days, [MENTION=387870]inter1000[/MENTION] from ru-board, the morons from cgpersia, today you can finally see them jumping around talking about the 'new' protection scheme, now that W released his patch, of course! It's like you wrote the other day 'me too! me too!'... cheers -s
Friday is my second favorite F word |
右列 2 位会员因为此帖价值甚高向 slick 表示感谢: |
r3voluti0 (2017-11-08),
Willburwilde (2017-11-07)
2017-11-07, 21:46 | 只看该作者 #47 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
Studio Store visualizer 16.1.2(在高级区), Artpro 16.1貌似尚未发表.... |
2017-11-08, 09:29 | 只看该作者 #49 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
2017-11-10, 12:13 | 只看该作者 #50 | ||
等级: 七袋长老
感觉上在CC2018 AI尚效能高些,搭配MacOS HighSierra 10.13.1,采取Intel 8700K,64GB DDR4-2666 内存,Intel 600P 512GB PCIe M2,NVidia GTX1070Ti 8GB DDR5显存(主要是为了 Studio Store Visualizer 16.1.2)搭配HTC ViVe,鼓励有兴趣的坛友可以玩玩,很是逼真....Cool & Enjoy |
2017-11-21, 04:38 | 只看该作者 #56 | ||
等级: 二袋长老
000000018032DB71: 7452 je 18032DBC5h | 000000018032DB71: EB52 jmp 18032DBC5h ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 000000018039F5E0: 4C894C2420 mov qword ptr [rsp+20h], r9 | 000000018039F5E0: 33C0 xor eax, eax | 000000018039F5E2: C3 ret | 000000018039F5E3: 2420 and al, 00000020h ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |