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2011-09-20, 14:13 | #4 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
新机有问题的也不在少数~ 机器不调整好做调频网实际生产意义也不大了~ |
2011-09-21, 00:29 | #5 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
黄色部分是标准的Gracol。由于我们油墨性能的影响导致红色色域部分有一个缺失,但是其他部分比较起来调频网还是大于调幅的。 在数码打样环节,调频网的色彩还原还是优于调幅网~ |
2011-09-22, 12:37 | #7 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
当然基于最小色差的密度统计有条件的可以进行单独的测试,但是我个人认为日常数据的统计分析也完全可以达到这一目的,而且数据的准确性更高。我曾经对公司内部的各种油墨进行了至少半年周期的数据统计分析,得到了各种油墨第一手的色彩数据,然后把这个制定成标准告诉机台。至少我们机台的机长现在知道印哪种活用哪种油墨最好,哪种油墨在哪一块有不足。而且他们也承认在我给定的密度下他们追色很正常。 还有chenxiaogu老大也看到这篇文章了~他说他要上来回复咋还不上来~囧 |
2011-09-22, 21:24 | #8 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
In FM, you print a lot of small dots. As the dots are smaller, also the ink thickness is less than in conventional AM. This might sound strange, but the thinner the ink layer, the more 'pure' the ink is transferred onto the substrate. A good example is: take a glass of water out of the ocean and hold it against the light. It will look clear and transparant. However, if you look at the ocean as a whole, it looks grayish and dirty (around here it does :-) ). That's because the small particles influence the fraction of the light and the more volume, the more particles. This influence of fraction causes desaturation of ink. In other words: by printing a thicker ink layer, you will get a less saturated result. FM dots and special AM screens such as Concentric Screening from EskoArtwork reduce the ink layer thickness, therefor improving the overall gamut. |
2011-09-22, 22:22 | #9 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
没有CIP4配合下,大多数测试过程中得到的ICC(特别是I1做出来的)其TVI过渡都是不平滑的,这个应用在图片转换上会造成过渡断层的。所以,在没有取得具有代表性的ICC特性数据以前,我个人意见是,不建议将这个反馈到印前作为打样或者分色的依据~ 此帖于 2011-09-24 00:38 被 icest 编辑. |
2011-09-22, 22:46 | #11 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
至于非铜版纸类的纸张,如果公司的主要核心业务不是大批量的使用,估计也没有厂去管他们的色彩管理了~这个成本~ 不是说没有CIP4就不能做色彩管理,只是说对普通印刷厂来说这个采集难度比较大,不是一次两次就能得到很好的结果的~但是普通厂一年能做一次印刷机测试都是非常不容易的事情了~这样比较他们还不如用标准的ICC~出问题也是小概率事件了~做好基础的标准化工作就可以保证大部分时候的稳定了。 我们轮转机自始至终都使用的Gracol标准的打样,也没遇见什么跟色情况不对的时候啊~如果单独要对轮转机去进行ICC的数据采集,那大部分印刷厂的老板就会哭死了~ |
2011-09-22, 23:02 | #12 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
还有,其实整个标准化过程做好了,用神马ICC都能印的~而不是大厂小厂的差异~ 这个比ICC重要得多~ 还有至少在老鬼的作业要求中,整个样张的密度均匀性是不超过0.05的。通过CIP4是能办到的,通过CIP3我个人经验反正千把张纸不好保证。而且这个密度均匀性是直接影响到ICC的TVI的~I1色靶比较大,所以控制起来会难很多~ |
2011-09-22, 23:21 | #13 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
我是指你的灰底白ICC模拟出来的数码打样色彩是和客户所需要的色彩一致的么?客户是否可以就不需要提供实物样直接让你按照数码样进行追色了?毕竟灰底白很多东西是翻单或者分印的~ 我们是经常出现一个产品,上一次印了,隔一段时间再印,又跟不上的情况,同样的纸张油墨机器~~ 关于明大的问题,另一个老鬼的回复~这个更科学一些~ Technically speaking, FM - or more properly microdot screening - does not actually increase the gamut. Instead, it is more accurate to say that FM reduces the potential gamut less than the larger dots of an AM screen does. The function of ink in printing is to filter light, when that happens you see color according to what part of the spectrum is filtered by the ink. If, for example, the dot areas (not dot gains) of a 175 lpi AM/XM screen and a 20 micron FM screen are the same then the FM will have a larger gamut. The main reasons for this effect are: 1- For the same tone value the FM screen covers more of the paper compared with an AM/XM screen. That means more light is filtered by the ink rather than reflecting off of uninked paper. Light that reflects off of uninked paper dirties the color we see. 2- For the same tone value the FM screens have a thinner and more homogenous (even) film of ink on the dots compared with an AM/XM screen. This enables the ink to filter light more efficiently. (somewhat as bewilliams described it with the ocean analogy) 3- Because of their small dot size and thinner film of ink FM screening dries faster which improves overprint trapping efficiency. It's important to note that it is not the fact that the screening is FM - i.e. how the dots are organized - that results in the gamut difference. It is the fact that the dots are smaller - i.e. the lpi is effectively higher. If you run an AM/XM screen up to about 400 lpi it will have a similar gamut to a 20 micron FM screen. In the case of Esko Concentric screening, because it is at heart an AM screen, if you compare it at 175 lpi to a conventional AM/XM screen also at 175 lpi then, in my tests, its gamut will be less, not more, than the AM/XM screen gamut. 此帖于 2011-09-24 01:07 被 icest 编辑. 原因: 短时间内回复合并 |
右列会员因为此帖价值甚高向 Bloodsaler 表示感谢: |
icest (2011-09-24)
2011-09-22, 23:47 | #14 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
至于KCMY这个色序在G7追求灰平衡上会更讲究一些。但是,KMCY如果你是作为一种印刷常态的话,进行色彩管理也是可以的。只是这样在操作G7的NPDC曲线上就会不准确了,但是不影响其余相关的TVI,ICC,反差这一类数据的采集。我个人认为色彩管理应用的核心还是在过程控制层面上。 轮转机用的是轻涂纸,Gracol是基于铜版纸的,两个纸张表面性能的差异导致这两个东西是无法使用同一个标准体系的,而且Gracol是没有定义密度的,只有色度。 肯定在密度方面,轻涂纸相对于铜版纸会有一个衰减,但是你可以比较一下,Gracol和SWOP之间的差异并不是很大,我也遇到过老鬼直接拿SWOP标准给平张机做色彩管理的~所以说这两者之间的兼容性还是可以的,再加上我们需要与平张机印刷品有一个色彩对接,故而一直就使用Gracol标准了~ 此帖于 2011-09-24 01:17 被 icest 编辑. |
2011-09-24, 12:06 | #15 | |||
等级: 七袋长老