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2016-02-14, 10:33 | #1 | ||
等级: 六袋长老
Support for Pantone® Extended Gamut Guide Feathering for grey balance tonal curves Heidelberg Image Control, Axis Control & Clarios - GMI-AVT file formats available in AutoMode New dynamic search and filtering Spot TVI score can be turned off independently New Single Patch mode features Extended Gamut Printing The release by Pantone® of the new Extended Gamut guide is all part of this renewed interest in Expanded Gamut or N-Color printing and many more printers are attempting to print a range of their spot colors in this way. pressSIGN has long been able to control the tint values of these extended colours as well as the traditional CMYK. The latest version of pressSIGN also contains the latest Pantone Extended Gamut Guide. pressSIGN adds feathering to tonal control From time to time paper and ink condition mean the CMY overprints have a marked color cast. Adjusting the grey balance curve to neutral throughout the tonal range can produce anomalies. The screenshot below shows the type of tonal curve distortions that can happen. In this case to the magenta and cyan curves. In the next image we have told pressSIGN to stop trying to achieve a grey balance after 62% and this has maintained a much smoother tonal curve in the shadow area. In order to help printers decide which is the optimum point at which to cut off the tonal curve adjustment we have added the scroll bar to the soft proof module The Soft proof module is part of the Trends and Pro clients. Click on the soft proof icon and then browse for the printed image. Import it and then see how the slider effects the grey control. Compare this with the visual bump that appears in the summary window and make the correct decision. Upgrade to soft proof If you are printing brand colors out of CMYK it's often difficult to control all the elements. Balancing the brand color and the images so both match the proof. Use the soft proofing to help. Open the image in the module and hover the cursor over the brand color. The Color Inspector window will show the CMYK break down and the Delta E variation from the target. Automode more file formats Using the file format and Heidelberg's naming convention pressSIGN 7 can automatically create new jobs and populate pressSIGN with the measurement data. This means that there is no operator input, saving time and money for everyone. Automode also works in conjunction with AVT-GMI Clarios closed loop systems for web presses. Dynamic Search Accessin the correct data for analysis is vital in helping to understand print quality coming from multiple presses and print sites. pressSIGN has always been in the forefront of delivering information to their users. The latest version gives precise control of the filter processing allowing the exact data to be generated in the reports. Set up multiple AND/OR searches and save those searches for quicker access in the future. New views in Single Patch Window Go to the Single Patch Window and the Lab Denisty Tab. Select any color from the list of measured patches. You will then see asimilar view to the one on the right. Select any color in the list and by default it will compare it to any color in the target standard, whether it's tone or solid for CMYK & spots. Alternatively select anothe color from the list or measure a color. In the example above I have selected a 40% M to compare with the target. We can see that it is slightly light and too far to the left on the b axis. Filter Measurements in Single Patch Window By default all the patch measurements appear in the right hand side. You can now filter these measurements. In the example on the right I have taken an average of all the blacks that have been measured in the job. I could have chosen any of the colors including the spot colors. Alternatively I could have chosen the patches from the selected measurements from the job window, select all the spot colors, all the process colors or sepcific colors. |
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wangyu1314 (2016-04-09)