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2016-07-12, 09:41 | #1 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
请QQ33161288版大及同需求的坛上兄弟下载 ----------------------------------------------- QQ33161288版大: 已经针对提供的视频简化脚本,不知可否。 纸卡专用,仅提供正反两页链结置入。 因为重编写,所以也提供论坛兄弟使用。 另外一版进阶版编写中, 包含:可复选多文件或指定文件夹置入、前后分开置入、指定副本数量、缩放.....完成时间依然未知。 **本脚本并不一定适用所有的状况,包括:软件版本、系统、计算机、档案结构、个人使用经验等,請使用前先测试并且储存现有开启的文档。 *仍无偿提供CPC各位兄弟使用,但限定资格 *使用方法请参考屏幕录像或脚本内付简易说明 *脚本请楼下下载 |
右列 13 位会员因为此帖价值甚高向 calvin530126 表示感谢: |
179ABC (2016-07-12),
hry496255232@163.com (2016-07-12),
jialan75 (2016-07-13),
kiss猫 (2016-07-12),
pandada (2016-07-12),
QQ33161288 (2016-07-12),
tzm1018 (2016-07-20),
wangyu1314 (2016-07-12),
ys-cpc (2016-07-12),
zhaolinzlzz (2016-07-20),
zqflive (2016-07-13),
独孤求败 (2016-07-12),
老設 (2016-07-12)
2016-07-12, 09:43 | 只看该作者 #2 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
右列 10 位会员因为此帖价值甚高向 calvin530126 表示感谢: |
179ABC (2016-07-12),
cnpa (2016-07-13),
jialan75 (2016-07-13),
kiss猫 (2016-07-12),
langzi123456 (2016-07-12),
nsnnedmg (2016-07-13),
QQ33161288 (2016-07-12),
wangyu1314 (2016-07-12),
zhaolinzlzz (2016-07-20),
zqflive (2016-07-13)
2016-07-12, 10:02 | 只看该作者 #4 | |||
等级: 九袋长老
印前(软件)教学 印前(流程)教学 印前(色彩)教学 印能捷&印能捷EVO、HQRIP和海德堡Prinect,esko流程、GMG & CGS & EFI数码打样类软件,印能捷数据库修复,超强专业印前系统! 更多介绍 http://33161288.lofter.com/ 出售金币(100RMB=160金币,最低100起售,量大从优) 印前脚本及插件订制 联系[QQ:33161288] ----------------------------------------------------------- 承接:文件制作,文件修改,文件拼版,输出最终1 bit tiff |
2016-07-12, 19:14 | 只看该作者 #10 | ||
等级: 四袋长老
#target illustrator #targetengine session // script.name = 打开多页PDF汉化版.jsx; // script.description = opens a multipage PDF; // script.required = requires CS4 or later // script.parent = CarlosCanto // 01/07/12; v1.2-01/15/12 // script.elegant = false; // Notes: I didn't try opening a ridiculous amount of pages, I "only" open 35 pages....in about a minute and a half. // Use with caution, save everything before running, script is memory intensive... // Lion fix by John Hawkinson 01/15/12 //----------------------- START UI CODE, create user interface var win = new Window ("dialog", "打开多页PDF--汉化 www.××××××××××"); var fileGroup = win.add("group"); // this is the group on the left, it holds the File button and the Font label note var btnFile = fileGroup.add("button", undefined, "选择文件"); // button to select the PDF to open var lblFonts = fileGroup.add("statictext",undefined,"注意:PDF文件缺失的字体可能被替换,请先将PDF转曲。", {multiline:true}); // var grpRight = win.add("group"); // group on the right, to hold everything else var txtFile = grpRight.add("edittext",undefined); // to hold selected PDF file path var grpPanel = grpRight.add("group"); var pagesPanel = grpPanel.add("panel", undefined, "页面范围"); var lblFrom = pagesPanel.add("statictext",undefined,"从:"); var txtFrom = pagesPanel.add("edittext",undefined, 1); var lblTo = pagesPanel.add("statictext",undefined,"到:"); var txtTo = pagesPanel.add("edittext",undefined, 1); var btnGroup = grpPanel.add("group"); var btnOk = btnGroup.add("button", undefined, "打开"); var btnCancel = btnGroup.add("button", undefined, "取消"); var lblStatus = grpRight.add("statictext",undefined,"支持Illustrator CS4及以后版本..."); win.orientation = pagesPanel.orientation = "row"; // two items fileGroup and grpRight win.alignChildren = "right"; fileGroup.orientation = "column"; fileGroup.alignment = "top"; txtFile.alignment = ["fill","top"]; lblStatus.alignment = "left"; grpRight.orientation = "column"; btnGroup.orientation = "column"; btnOk.enabled = false; // disable this button until a valid file is supplied txtFrom.characters = txtTo.characters = 3; btnFile.active = true; // receive the first "Enter" win.helpTip = "\u00A9 2012 Carlos Canto"; grpRight.helpTip = "Not tested with a ridiculous amount of pages"; //------------------------ get the PDF file btnFile.onClick = function(){ txtFile.text = ""; // clear previous File path if any btnOk.enabled = false; // disable the Ok button var fileRef = File.openDialog ("选择PDF文件...", "*.pdf"); // get the file fileRef = new File(fileRef.fsName.replace("file://","")); // Lion fix by John Hawkinson if(fileRef!= null && fileRef.exists) // check if it is valid file, it should be, unless after clicking a file, the name gets edited { txtFile.text = fileRef.fsName; // show the file Path here btnOk.enabled = true; // enable the Ok button txtTo.active = true; // move focus to change the last page to open } } //------------------------ btnOk.onClick = function(){ doSomething(); // call main function. win.close(); // close when done } //------------------------ on leaving this text, check again if file exist, in case file path is typed instead of clicking the File...button txtFile.onDeactivate = function(){ //alert("on deactivate") var file = File(txtFile.text); // create a file based on the text edit control if (file.exists){ // and chekc for existance, if it does btnOk.enabled = true; // enable the Ok button } else { // if it does not exist btnOk.enabled = false; // disable the Ok button } } //------------------------ win.center (); win.show(); //-------------------------END UI CODE function doSomething() // Open each page in the range, group all art, move to a new document, then { // with all pages on top of each other, create artboards and move each page // to its final own layer, own artboard. // get first page and last page to open $.hiresTimer; // start timer var from = txtFrom.text; var to = txtTo.text; // create destination document, pdf open options, etc app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS; var fileRef = File(txtFile.text); // get file from text edit //alert(fileRef.name) var idoc = app.documents.add(); // add a document; var pdfOptions = app.preferences.PDFFileOptions; pdfOptions.pDFCropToBox = PDFBoxType.PDFBOUNDINGBOX; var spacing = 10; // space between artboards var arrPagesInfo = []; // to hold each PDF page name, doc size and art position for (j=from; j<=to; j++) // open all pages in range, group art, and move the dest document { pdfOptions.pageToOpen = j; // Open a file using these preferences var pdfDoc = open(fileRef, DocumentColorSpace.RGB); lblStatus.text = "\u00A9 2012 Carlos Canto - Opening page " + j; win.update(); var pdfLayer = pdfDoc.activeLayer; // add a group and group all items var items = pdfLayer.pageItems; // get all items in layer, there's only one layer, right? var tempGrp = pdfDoc.groupItems.add(); // to group everything in page tempGrp.name = "Page " + j; // name the group, "Page 1", "Page 2", etc for (i=items.length-1; i>0; i--) // group all items { items[i].move(tempGrp,ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING); } // get document bounds var pdfw = pdfDoc.width; var pdfh = pdfDoc.height; var activeAB = pdfDoc.artboards[0]; pdfLeft = activeAB.artboardRect[0]; pdfTop = activeAB.artboardRect[1]; if (j==from) { firstabRect = activeAB.artboardRect; abRect = firstabRect; //$.writeln(abRect); } else { // TODO // x = 8498 seems to be the canvas max X position, check and make another row if a page gets to here if ((abRect[2]+spacing+pdfw)>=8494) // if rightmost artboard position surpases the canvas size, { var ableft = firstabRect[0]; // position next artboard below the first one var abtop = firstabRect[3]-spacing; var abright = ableft + pdfw; var abbottom = abtop - pdfh; firstabRect = [ableft, abtop, abright, abbottom]; } else // if we don't get to the canvas edge, position next artboard, to the right of the last one { var ableft = pageSpecs[3][2]+spacing; // pageSpecs[3] = abRect // abRect[2] = right position var abtop = pageSpecs[3][1]; // abRect[1] = top position var abright = ableft + pdfw; var abbottom = abtop - pdfh; } abRect = [ableft, abtop, abright, abbottom]; } // get this group position relative to top/left var deltaX = tempGrp.left-pdfLeft; var deltaY = pdfTop-tempGrp.top; // make an array to hold each page Name, width, height, deltaX, deltaY pageSpecs = [tempGrp.name, deltaX, deltaY,abRect]; // pageSpecs holds last page info, it gets overwritten as we add pages arrPagesInfo.unshift(pageSpecs); // unshift to make first page, the last in the array // duplicate grouped page 1 onto dest document newItem = tempGrp.duplicate( idoc,ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING); // close current PDF page pdfDoc.close (SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); } // end for all pages to open // Stage 2, create layers and artboards for each PDF page (group) and reposition // loop thru the groups, add artboards for each and reposition var ilayer = idoc.layers[idoc.layers.length-1]; // the one layer so far for(k=arrPagesInfo.length-1; k>=0; k--) // last item in the array holds the first PDF page info { // add new layer and new AB var newAB = idoc.artboards.add(arrPagesInfo[k][3]); var newLayer = idoc.layers.add(); newLayer.name = arrPagesInfo[k][0] // reposition group relative to top/left var igroup = ilayer.groupItems[k]; igroup.left = newAB.artboardRect[0]+arrPagesInfo[k][1]; igroup.top = newAB.artboardRect[1]-arrPagesInfo[k][2]; igroup.move(newLayer,ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND); // add new artboard to the left of existing one lblStatus.text = "Repositioning page " + k; win.update(); } idoc.artboards[0].remove(); ilayer.remove(); app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DISPLAYALERTS; //var time = $.hiresTimer/1000000; // end timer //lblStatus.text = "Copyright 2012 \u00A9 Carlos Canto"; //alert("打开 "+ arrPagesInfo.length +" 页,用时 " + time.toFixed(2) + " 秒" ); // 35 pages opened in 98-99 seconds //$.writeln(time); }// end doSomething Function |
2016-07-13, 08:03 | 只看该作者 #12 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
160713:增加支持AI文件(兼容PDF) 不知所提第一个问题是否还存在? 请再使用看看! --------------------------------------------- 另外感谢楼上几位兄弟的反馈及意见, 因为这脚本是量身订制, 所以未必符合众人所需, 若是造成困扰,请多包涵。 再次强调: 1.这是针对正反面咭牌,所以只能链结两页。 2.这脚本最主要的是链结文件,非嵌入文件....... 至于,一次性链结多页PDF的脚本, 若有较多兄弟反应需求, 我会找时间重新编写, 一样无偿提供给论坛兄弟使用。 |
右列会员因为此帖价值甚高向 calvin530126 表示感谢: |
QQ33161288 (2016-07-13)