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旧 2017-07-22, 00:19     #1
ahbab ahbab 当前离线
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声望: 10 ahbab 向着好的方向发展
ahbab ahbab 当前离线
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Uid: 533167
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声望: 10 ahbab 向着好的方向发展
默认 Esko i-Cut Production Console   

No one discuss about Esko i-Cut Production Console?
I`m using Guide XL for my Kongsberg table.
Is any one tried i-Cut with Kongsberg table, is there any difference?
ahbab 当前离线  
旧 2017-07-22, 02:25   只看该作者   #2
slick 的头像
slick slick 当前离线
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Uid: 299768
注册日期: 2012-05-14, 20:24
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声望: 87 slick 向着好的方向发展


作者: ahbab 查看帖子
No one discuss about Esko i-Cut Production Console?
I`m using Guide XL for my Kongsberg table.
Is any one tried i-Cut with Kongsberg table, is there any difference?
maybe you should try the 数码喷墨印刷 forum that's more up their alley.

IPC is scarce, the installers i mean...
got any updated installation you wanna share?

i have an old one installed in a Win2008 Server vm, but i don't own a kongsberg so i don't know if it works or how it works. it was something i installed to kill some free time...

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slick 当前离线  
旧 2017-07-22, 19:08   只看该作者   #3
ahbab ahbab 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:4 | 在线时长:33小时 | 升级还需:12小时
Uid: 533167
注册日期: 2016-09-04, 05:16
来自: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
帖子: 17
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现金: 14金币
资产: 14金币
声望: 10 ahbab 向着好的方向发展
ahbab ahbab 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:4 | 在线时长:33小时 | 升级还需:12小时
Uid: 533167
注册日期: 2016-09-04, 05:16
来自: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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资产: 14金币
声望: 10 ahbab 向着好的方向发展

作者: slick 查看帖子
maybe you should try the 数码喷墨印刷 forum ("https://www.cnprint.org/bbs/forumdisplay.php?f=189") that's more up their alley.

IPC is scarce, the installers i mean...
got any updated installation you wanna share?

i have an old one installed in a Win2008 Server vm, but i don't own a kongsberg so i don't know if it wo...
I don`t have installation of IPC.
I`m still waiting answer from Esko for some kind of trial version.
Do you have that old installation, wanna share it, so I can try and test it with Kongsberg XL?

ahbab 当前离线  
旧 2017-07-23, 10:36   只看该作者   #4
重庆&老鬼 重庆&老鬼 当前在线
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Uid: 318829
注册日期: 2012-11-05, 17:29
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声望: 10 重庆&老鬼 向着好的方向发展
重庆&老鬼 重庆&老鬼 当前在线
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声望: 10 重庆&老鬼 向着好的方向发展

在AE16.0.2确实可以实现Esko割样机配合AE的Device Manager,不过需要搭配IPC v2.0.x版本才行;icut layout 16与Artioscad 16.1都可以与IPC v2紧密配合,XL Guide是准备要除役的软件了,IPC取而代之,.也兼容Win10,柔印大厂通常都有搭配esko康师博切割机,配合Staggered Cut很方便.
重庆&老鬼 当前在线  
旧 2017-07-23, 18:47   只看该作者   #5
slick 的头像
slick slick 当前离线
等级: 七袋长老
帅哥 级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时
Uid: 299768
注册日期: 2012-05-14, 20:24
来自: 在你背后
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精华: 76
现金: 1164金币
资产: 68786金币
声望: 87 slick 向着好的方向发展

slick slick 当前离线
等级: 七袋长老
帅哥 级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时级别:106 | 在线时长:11789小时 | 升级还需:88小时
slick 的头像
Uid: 299768
注册日期: 2012-05-14, 20:24
来自: 在你背后
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声望: 87 slick 向着好的方向发展


作者: ahbab 查看帖子
....Do you have that old installation, wanna share it.....

you'd still need a license from esko to run it and i guess it'd be tricky for you to get one or even justify where you'd gotten the installer from...

slick 当前离线  
旧 2017-07-25, 02:34   只看该作者   #6
ahbab ahbab 当前离线
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Uid: 533167
注册日期: 2016-09-04, 05:16
来自: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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声望: 10 ahbab 向着好的方向发展
ahbab ahbab 当前离线
等级: 小兄弟
级别:4 | 在线时长:33小时 | 升级还需:12小时
Uid: 533167
注册日期: 2016-09-04, 05:16
来自: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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现金: 14金币
资产: 14金币
声望: 10 ahbab 向着好的方向发展

作者: slick 查看帖子
you'd still need a license from esko to run it and i guess it'd be tricky for you to get one or even justify where you'd gotten the installer from...

I now that.
I hope that someone will get licence and installation, and share with us.
I got answer from Esko that software is delivered only with new Kongsberg tables...

Mail for ESKO:
Thank you for your interest in Kongsberg’s new user interface, i-cut production console (iPC).

iPC combines features and functionality from two previous production consoles into one. Features from X-Guide, which are used primarily for packaging applications and functions for sign and display applications from i-Cut Vision are being combined within iPC over time.

To ensure sustainment of all important functions Esko has prioritized an extensive roll out of iPC to new Kongsberg cutting tables before retrofit to the previous versions. The reason is simply the amount of applications and cutting methods used across Kongsberg’s large installation base worldwide. Esko do not want to offer iPC as retrofit before all core functions are in place.

iPC for Kongsberg XL cutting tables is estimated to launch late 2016. We will keep your request to ensure you are the first to be informed about further details regarding iPC retrofit to Kongsberg XL.

As we do not seem to have a record of a Kongsberg in your company, could you please inform us when and where this cutting table was purchased. Could you please also provide us with the serial number? Thank you so much in advance!

- Cheers!
ahbab 当前离线  
旧 2017-07-25, 11:11   只看该作者   #7
重庆&老鬼 重庆&老鬼 当前在线
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Uid: 318829
注册日期: 2012-11-05, 17:29
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重庆&老鬼 重庆&老鬼 当前在线
等级: 七袋长老
级别:137 | 在线时长:19546小时 | 升级还需:50小时级别:137 | 在线时长:19546小时 | 升级还需:50小时级别:137 | 在线时长:19546小时 | 升级还需:50小时级别:137 | 在线时长:19546小时 | 升级还需:50小时级别:137 | 在线时长:19546小时 | 升级还需:50小时级别:137 | 在线时长:19546小时 | 升级还需:50小时级别:137 | 在线时长:19546小时 | 升级还需:50小时级别:137 | 在线时长:19546小时 | 升级还需:50小时级别:137 | 在线时长:19546小时 | 升级还需:50小时级别:137 | 在线时长:19546小时 | 升级还需:50小时级别:137 | 在线时长:19546小时 | 升级还需:50小时
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注册日期: 2012-11-05, 17:29
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声望: 10 重庆&老鬼 向着好的方向发展

有个朋友他厂是搞专业包装的印刷厂,他们时常要送包装样给贸易商确认,所以康师伯割样机是不可或缺的,於是他们自行装上iPC v2.03测试Esko XL割样机,经过撞墙期最後还是顺利测试,目前能够顺利配合AE16.0.2,不过将来更要挑战AE16.1,icut layout 16.0.1,iPC v2.1整合流程,目前是配合packproof打样(Epson proofer),其实esko流程真的是好...."贵"
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