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2020-01-23, 18:00 | #1 | |||
等级: 九袋长老
This post has been playing so far. Packz Is it packz.?牛逼之闪带着闪电? friend Forgive me, . I'm a 假老外。。。 There is a theory of relativity in the universe~~Relativity Some things you think are the best, others may think it's a bullshit. I support -- fat duck releases Packz at Future days because I know old ghost Perfectionism, atheism, or t he thinks “I m the God"
本人从事农业生产为主,上有大要孝顺照顾,下有小要供书教学。为了生活偶尔涉及以下工作类型 印刷色彩管理,显示器、打印机、印刷机颜色高度匹配、GMG,CGS数码打样、pressSIGN印刷评分、提供G7企业认证、Fogra PSO培训等(完成过水墨柔印g7 targeted认证) 维修印能捷各种问题,印前流程标准规范化制定及培训 承接书版包装色彩管理数码打稿fogra,gracol,或客自定icc。 |
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cold54 (2020-01-29)