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2021-10-30, 01:26 | #1 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
https://www.hybridsoftware.com/press...lorlogic-gmbh/ cheers -s
Friday is my second favorite F word |
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2023-11-19, 22:11 | #2 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
So whoever supplied the files wants to trick people into believing that there is a crack to wibuCm64.dll... PACKZVIEW.exe is patched on 5 bytes, it's a pretty basic method, the VMP options used to protect it are even more basic cheers -s |
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2023-11-19, 23:23 | #3 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
I was just fooling around, it was a mere VMUnprotect exercise... I have the CrazySnail dude to take care of ALL my "problems" nowadays, so cool slow as a f***in snail, but (eventually) he gets the job done... or not! cheers -s |
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duffyduck (2023-11-19)
2023-11-24, 06:02 | #4 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
someone who believes that a particular type or group of people should lead or have control over other types or groups of people because they believe they are better. there you go, you chauvinistic narrow-minded pigs, it's not a secret anymore, mind that CPC is an international and free forum Happy thanksgiving! cheers -s |
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2023-11-24, 21:19 | #6 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
Imagine that (hypothetically) I had nothing more than a screenshot of PACKZ saying 'Fuck off wankers!' Still think you're THAT smart? You should learn to shut your big mouth young man, you're immature, you have a big ego, you lack 'street smart' and in the end you've been had. I declare you the most idiot CPC member of 2023, congratulations! Thanks for the .dll tip cheers -s |
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2023-11-26, 03:18 | #8 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
In the western world we call a RAT to someone who reveals incriminating or embarrassing information about something or someone, especially in a time of trouble, to any kind of authority. In other words, a(n): betrayer canary deep throat fink informant informer nark [British] rat fink snitch snitcher squealer stool pigeon stoolie talebearer tattler tattletale telltale whistle-blower cheers -s |
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r3voluti0 (2024-05-14)
2023-11-26, 06:26 | #9 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
Buddha's heart is where?! You stopped caring about animals now? You feel like you've been played for fool by a gang? Have you been drinking that cheap Costco grape juice again? Go to bed, it's still too early in china, try to sleep it off kid, be cool, try to be happy. cheers -s |
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2023-11-26, 06:48 | #10 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
Nobody called you or cares about your opinions or what you think, go spam some other forum... If you need coins, sell some nonsense for 50 coins and I'll buy it, now bugger off! Boring dude... cheers -s |
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2023-11-26, 08:51 | #11 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
不过感恩节假期 每天固定时间来 CPC做公务员 很是勤劳 所为何事? 司马昭之心网 路人皆知 团伙式犯案 一一现形 把马甲全部招唤出来吧 不要被几个假老外的满口穆物脏话给搞坏情绪 它们的奶酪天了就来胡乱一通 我还是继续报导PACKZ ArtPro+相关新闻 PACKZ 9.5.0 build31将除下周释出 此同时,PACKZ 10.0.0 alpha build10 也对测试用户发出 剑指Drupa2024 ArtPro+ 24.03.37就自由下载 Posting images won't work, the swearing foreigners can use OCR, dumbass... cheers -s |
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duffyduck (2023-11-26)
2023-11-26, 17:49 | #13 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
He lives trapped inside his own narcissism and his delusions with AP+ and Packz... Poor soul... cheers -s |
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2023-11-27, 00:30 | #14 | |||
等级: 七袋长老
https://fanyi.baidu.com/#zh/en/%E5%A...9C%B0%E6%AD%BB cheers -s |
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