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旧 2021-03-08, 09:40     #1
fs4123 fs4123 当前离线
等级: 四袋长老
级别:16 | 在线时长:340小时 | 升级还需:17小时
Uid: 446017
注册日期: 2015-02-28, 08:54
帖子: 416
感谢: 0
67 个帖子获得 128 次感谢
现金: 192金币
资产: 242金币
声望: 10 fs4123 向着好的方向发展
fs4123 fs4123 当前离线
等级: 四袋长老
级别:16 | 在线时长:340小时 | 升级还需:17小时
Uid: 446017
注册日期: 2015-02-28, 08:54
帖子: 416
感谢: 0
67 个帖子获得 128 次感谢
现金: 192金币
资产: 242金币
声望: 10 fs4123 向着好的方向发展

This looks like a problem with the database, ODBC connection settings, or the 'programmer' ODBC login. Test the ODBC connection using 'programmer' as the login and 'oicu812' as the password. This is the default user/password combination. You could also try to the sa login using oicu812 as the password. Once you verify the ODBC connection is setup correctly you can run the 'Build_MSSQLServerSchema.bat' file to rebuild the database. The file is located in the C:\Esko\Artios\datacenter folder. Make sure to run as Admin.
fs4123 当前离线  
右列会员因为此帖价值甚高向 fs4123 表示感谢:
Angen2001 (2021-07-06)
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