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2024-07-31, 08:52 | #1 | ||
等级: 一袋长老
// breakDashes.jsx // adobe Illustrator CSx script // breaks each dashed path into a series of lines // // USAGE: // Select paths and run this script. // // NOTE1: Illustrator's native dashes adjustment // feature is ignored because it is totally // out of control from JavaScript. // // 2018.07.20, modified to ignore locked/hidden objects in a selected group // Copyright(c) 2014 Hiroyuki Sato // https://github.com/shspage // This script is distributed under the MIT License. // See the LICENSE file for details. function main(){ // use_group: set true to gather broken paths into a group var use_group = true; var paths = []; getPathItemsInSelection(1, paths); if( paths.length < 1 ){ alert("nothing to do with this script\r" + "because there's no path in the selection"); return; } var grp = use_group ? activeDocument.activeLayer.groupItems.add() : undefined; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++){ if (paths[i].strokeDashes.length > 0){ breakDashes(paths[i], grp); } } } // -------------------------------------------- function breakDashes(line, grp){ var sd = line.strokeDashes; if(sd.length == 1){ sd.push(sd[0]); } for (var i = 0; i < line.pathPoints.length; i++){ var next_i = parseIdx(line.pathPoints, i + 1); if(next_i < 0) break; // gets the anchor points on both ends var a1 = line.pathPoints[i].anchor; var a2 = line.pathPoints[next_i].anchor; // if the line is curve, it needs another method if(!arrEq(a1, line.pathPoints[i].rightDirection) || !arrEq(a2, line.pathPoints[next_i].leftDirection)){ breakDashesForCurve(line, i, next_i, sd, grp); continue; } // gets the angle in radian var t = getRad(a1, a2); var line_length = dist(a1, a2); var sd1 = adjustDashes(sd, line_length); // draws a segment as a line with no dashes // if the length of the segment is shorter // than 1st dash. if(sd1.length < 1){ var p = line.duplicate(); p.closed = false; p.strokeDashes = []; p.setEntirePath([a1, a2]); if(grp) p.move(grp, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND); continue; } var offset = sd1[0] / 2; var total_length = 0; var is_gap = true; var finish = false; while(true){ for(var j = 0; j < sd1.length; j++){ var d = sd1[j]; if(offset > 0){ d -= offset; offset = 0; } total_length += d; if( total_length >= line_length ){ var a3 = a2; finish = true; } else { var a3 = [ Math.cos(t) * d + a1[0], Math.sin(t) * d + a1[1] ]; } is_gap = (! is_gap); if(! is_gap){ var p = line.duplicate(); p.closed = false; p.strokeDashes = []; p.setEntirePath([a1, a3]); if(grp) p.move(grp, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND); } a1 = a3; if(finish) break; } if(finish) break; } } line.remove(); } // ---------------------------------------------- function adjustDashes(sd, line_length, grp){ var sd1; var dashes_length = 0; for (var i = 0; i < sd.length; i++){ dashes_length += sd[i]; } if(dashes_length == 0){ sd1 = []; } else if(sd[0] > 0 && line_length <= sd[0]){ sd1 = []; } else { var dashes_count = Math.floor(line_length / dashes_length + 0.6) || 1; sd1 = sd.slice(0); var ratio = line_length / (dashes_count * dashes_length); for(var j = 0; j < sd1.length; j++){ sd1[j] *= ratio; } } return sd1; } // ---------------------------------------------- // return distance between p1 [x,y], p2 [x,y] function dist(p1, p2) { return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(p1[0] - p2[0], 2) + Math.pow(p1[1] - p2[1], 2) ); } // ---------------------------------------------- // return angle of the line drawn from "p1" [x,y] to "p2" [x,y] function getRad(p1, p2) { return Math.atan2(p2[1] - p1[1], p2[0] - p1[0]); } // -------------------------------------- // if the contents of both arrays are equal, return true (lengthes must be same) function arrEq(arr1, arr2) { for(var i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++){ if (arr1[i] != arr2[i]) return false; } return true; } // ---------------------------------------------- // return the index of pathpoint. when the argument is out of bounds, // fixes it if the path is closed (ex. next of last index is 0), // or return -1 if the path is not closed. function parseIdx(p, n){ // PathPoints, number for index var len = p.length; if( p.parent.closed ){ return n >= 0 ? n % len : len - Math.abs(n % len); } else { return (n < 0 || n > len - 1) ? -1 : n; } } // ------------------------------------------------ // extracts PathItems from the selection which length of PathPoints // is greater than "n" function getPathItemsInSelection(n, paths){ if(documents.length < 1) return; var s = activeDocument.selection; if (!(s instanceof Array) || s.length < 1) return; extractPaths(s, n, paths); } // -------------------------------------- // extracts PathItems from "s" (Array of PageItems -- ex. selection), // and put them into an Array "paths". If "pp_length_limit" is specified, // this function extracts PathItems which PathPoints length is greater // than this number. function extractPaths(s, pp_length_limit, paths){ for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++){ if(s[i].locked || s[i].hidden){ continue; } else if(s[i].typename == "PathItem"){ if(pp_length_limit && s[i].pathPoints.length <= pp_length_limit){ continue; } paths.push(s[i]); } else if(s[i].typename == "GroupItem"){ // search for PathItems in GroupItem, recursively extractPaths(s[i].pageItems, pp_length_limit, paths); } else if(s[i].typename == "CompoundPathItem"){ // searches for pathitems in CompoundPathItem, recursively // ( ### Grouped PathItems in CompoundPathItem are ignored ### ) extractPaths(s[i].pathItems, pp_length_limit , paths); } } } // ----------------------------------------------- var Point = function(){ this.x = 0; this.y = 0; } Point.prototype = { set : function(x, y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; return this; }, setr : function(xy){ // set with an array this.x = xy[0]; this.y = xy[1]; return this; }, setp : function(p){ // set with a Point this.x = p.x; this.y = p.y; return this; }, addp : function(p){ return new Point().set( this.x + p.x, this.y + p.y ); }, subp : function(p){ return new Point().set( this.x - p.x, this.y - p.y ); }, mul : function(m){ return new Point().set( this.x * m, this.y * m ); }, rotate : function(rad){ var s = Math.sin(rad); var c = Math.cos(rad); return new Point().set( this.x * c - this.y * s, this.x * s + this.y * c ); }, getAngle : function(){ return Math.atan2( this.y, this.x ); // radian }, normalize : function(){ var d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x, 2) + Math.pow(this.y, 2)); var p = new Point(); if( d == 0 ){ p.set(0,0); } else { p.set(this.x / d, this.y / d); } return p; }, toArray : function(){ return [this.x, this.y]; } } // ----------------------------------------------- var Curve = function(path, idx1, idx2){ this.path = path; this.idx1 = idx1; this.idx2 = idx2; var pts = path.pathPoints; this.p1 = new Point().setr(pts[idx1].anchor); this.rdir = new Point().setr(pts[idx1].rightDirection); this.ldir = new Point().setr(pts[idx2].leftDirection); this.p2 = new Point().setr(pts[idx2].anchor); this.q = [this.p1, this.rdir, this.ldir, this.p2]; this.params = null; this.length = null; } Curve.prototype = { bezier : function(t){ var u = 1 - t; return new Point().set( u*u*u * this.p1.x + 3*u*t*(u* this.rdir.x + t* this.ldir.x) + t*t*t * this.p2.x, u*u*u * this.p1.y + 3*u*t*(u* this.rdir.y + t* this.ldir.y) + t*t*t * this.p2.y); }, setParams : function(){ var m = [this.p2.x - this.p1.x + 3 * (this.rdir.x - this.ldir.x), this.p1.x - 2 * this.rdir.x + this.ldir.x, this.rdir.x - this.p1.x]; var n = [this.p2.y - this.p1.y + 3 * (this.rdir.y - this.ldir.y), this.p1.y - 2 * this.rdir.y + this.ldir.y, this.rdir.y - this.p1.y]; this.params = [ m[0] * m[0] + n[0] * n[0], 4 * (m[0] * m[1] + n[0] * n[1]), 2 * ((m[0] * m[2] + n[0] * n[2]) + 2 * (m[1] * m[1] + n[1] * n[1])), 4 * (m[1] * m[2] + n[1] * n[2]), m[2] * m[2] + n[2] * n[2]]; }, clone : function(){ var c = new Curve(this.path, this.idx1, this.idx2); c.params = this.params; c.length = this.length; return c; }, getLength : function(t){ //if( !this.params ) this.setParams(); var k = this.params; var h = t / 128; var hh = h * 2; var fc = function(t, k){ return Math.sqrt(t * (t * (t * (t * k[0] + k[1]) + k[2]) + k[3]) + k[4]) || 0 }; var total = (fc(0, k) - fc(t, k)) / 2; for(var i = h; i < t; i += hh){ total += 2 * fc(i, k) + fc(i + h, k); } return total * hh; }, getLeftDirForT : function(t){ return new Point().set( t * (t * (this.p1.x - 2 * this.rdir.x + this.ldir.x) + 2 * (this.rdir.x - this.p1.x)) + this.p1.x, t * (t * (this.p1.y - 2 * this.rdir.y + this.ldir.y) + 2 * (this.rdir.y - this.p1.y)) + this.p1.y); }, getRightDirForT : function(t){ return new Point().set( t * (t * (this.rdir.x - 2 * this.ldir.x + this.p2.x) + 2 * (this.ldir.x - this.rdir.x)) + this.rdir.x, t * (t * (this.rdir.y - 2 * this.ldir.y + this.p2.y) + 2 * (this.ldir.y - this.rdir.y)) + this.rdir.y); }, resetPoints : function(p1, rdir, ldir, p2){ this.p1 = p1; this.rdir = rdir; this.ldir = ldir; this.p2 = p2; this.q = [p1, rdir, ldir, p2]; }, getContractedRdir : function(m){ return this.p1.addp(this.rdir.subp(this.p1).mul(m)); }, getContractedLdir : function(m){ return this.p2.addp(this.ldir.subp(this.p2).mul(m)); }, getPartForTAndLength : function(t, len){ var c = this.clone(); c.resetPoints(this.bezier(t), this.getRightDirForT(t), this.getContractedLdir(1 - t), this.p2); c.setParams(); c.length = c.getLength(1); var t1 = c.getTforLength(len); c.resetPoints(c.p1, c.getContractedRdir(t1), c.getLeftDirForT(t1), c.bezier(t1)); return c; }, getTforLength : function(len){ //if( !this.params ) this.setParams(); var k = this.params; //if( !this.length) this.length = this.getLength(1); if(len <= 0){ return 0; } else if(len > this.length){ return 1; } var t, d; var t0 = 0; var t1 = 1; var torelance = 0.001; for(var h = 1; h < 30; h++){ t = t0 + (t1 - t0) / 2; d = len - this.getLength(t); if(Math.abs(d) < torelance) break; else if(d < 0) t1 = t; else t0 = t; } return Math.min(1, t); } } // -------------------------------------------- function breakDashesForCurve(line, i, next_i, sd, grp){ var cv = new Curve(line, i, next_i); cv.setParams(); cv.length = cv.getLength(1); var line_length = cv.length; var sd1 = adjustDashes(sd, line_length); // draws a segment as a line with no dashes // if the length of the segment is shorter // than 1st dash. if(sd1.length < 1){ var p = line.duplicate(); p.closed = false; p.strokeDashes = []; var pp = p.pathPoints; var rdir = pp[i].rightDirection; var ldir = pp[next_i].leftDirection; p.setEntirePath([pp[i].anchor, pp[next_i].anchor]); pp = p.pathPoints; pp[0].rightDirection = rdir; pp[1].leftDirectin = ldir; if(grp) p.move(grp, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND); return; } var offset = sd1[0] / 2; var total_length = 0; var is_gap = true; var finish = false; while(true){ for(var j = 0; j < sd1.length; j++){ var d = sd1[j]; if(offset > 0){ d -= offset; offset = 0; } if( total_length + d >= line_length ){ finish = true; } is_gap = (! is_gap); if(! is_gap){ var t = cv.getTforLength(total_length); var cv1 = cv.getPartForTAndLength(t, d); var p = line.duplicate(); p.closed = false; p.strokeDashes = []; p.setEntirePath([cv1.p1.toArray(), cv1.p2.toArray()]); p.pathPoints[0].rightDirection = cv1.rdir.toArray(); p.pathPoints[1].leftDirection = cv1.ldir.toArray(); if(grp) p.move(grp, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND); } if(finish) break; total_length += d; } if(finish) break; } } // ---------------------------------------------- main(); 此帖于 2024-07-31 08:54 被 tanshiyu 编辑. 原因: 上传不了 |
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