G7™, the new IDEAlliance proof-to-print process, is based on principles of digital imaging, spectrophotometry, and computer-to-plate (CtP) technologies. G7 is currently being applied to many types of printing including commercial and publication printing, newsprint and even flexo. This new methodology utilizes the existing ISO 12647 Standards as the basis for good printing. G7 requires printing with inks defined by ISO 2846-1 so that the dry solids measure as close as possible to the ISO CIELab values for seven colors ─ the four primary colors and three 2-color overprints specified in ISO 12647. Because our goal is to specify a simple calibration process that will help the printers reliably achieve a close “visual match” from proof to press, G7 breaks from tradition by focusing on colorimetric data for gray balance in the mid-tones rather than on densitometric aims, i.e. dot gain, for each color. G7 is named for its gray scale calibration technique and the 7 ISO ink colors it requires. G7 is a trademark of IDEAlliance. Although G7 was developed by the efforts of the GRACoL Committee, it should not be confused with GRACoL or with GRACoL 7.