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以下是部分节选。 Overview 概述 The CimCAD/CimPack application window is composed of five regions: CimCAD/CimPack应用程序窗口由以下五个区域组成: 一:Main Menu Bar主菜单栏 A single row of menu options at the very top of the application window, immediately below the application title bar. This menu of menus provides quick access to most of the operations within CimCAD and CimPACK. 单击应用程序窗口最顶部的菜单选项会立即出现下拉程序菜单。在这类菜单里的下拉菜单里提供的功能选项能快速的执行CimCAD和CimPACK里的大部分操作。 二:Toolbars工具栏 One or more rows of buttons below the Main Menu Bar. The Toolbars enable you to instantly activate dozens of the most commonly used CimCAD and CimPACK functions. You can also move the toolbars to any other edge of the screen, or undock them, and you can customize them. 在主菜单栏下面有一排或多排按钮。工具栏能够让你立即启动激活CimCAD和CimPACK里经常使用用到的功能。你也可以移动工具栏到屏幕的任何边缘,或者把他们从屏幕中取消掉,并且你还可以自定义他们。 To turn toolbars on or off, right click in a blank part of the toolbar area. A drop-down list of the currently available toolbars is displayed, with the checked ones being currently on. To turn a checked one off, or an unchecked one on, click on the name or checkmark. 右击工具栏的空白区域可以打开或关闭工具栏。在当前出现的可用下拉式工具栏列表中,可以选中某项。在工具栏名称或复选标记上单击,可以关闭一个已被选中打开的工具栏,或打开一个未被选中的工具栏。 三:Document Design Window文挡设计窗口 The large open space between the Main Menu Bar and the Status Bar, where you view your design document for drawing or editing. You can open and work on two, three, four or more design documents simultaneously, and CimCAD and CimPACK will remember where you were in each as you switch between documents using the document list on the Window menu. 在动态菜单栏和状态栏之间的大空白区域,在这个窗口中你可以设计和编辑你的设计文档。你可以同时打开或工作在两个,三个,四个或更多的设计文档窗口中,并且在CimCAD 和 CimPACK中当前各个被编辑和切换的文档的文件名都将被记录在窗口菜单中以列表的形式显示。 四:Dynamic Menu Bar动态菜单栏 The wide toolbar positioned to one side of the Document Design Window. This provides access to all of the CimCAD and CimPACK menu functions through an actively changing a list of buttons, input text fields, and selection tools. 在文档设计窗口的侧面位置,有一个很宽的工具栏。他通过一系列按纽,文本输入栏,和选择工具栏的灵活变化为CimCAD 和 CimPACK的所有菜单功能提供了一个通道。 An ESC (Escape) button usually is displayed at the top of any of the menus here, allowing you to escape out of the current operation. The same action can be performed by pressing the Escape key on your keyboard. ESC (Escape)按纽可以返回任何当前菜单至上一级菜单,直至主菜单,可以让你退出当前操作。按键盘上的Escape(ESC)键也能完成同样的操作。 When the application starts, the default menu is the Drawing/Selection menu with the Select button active by default. With Version 10.2, the Dynamic Menu Bar can be positioned by the user either along the right or the left of the Document Design Window by right-clicking on a non-control area of the menu, and selecting from the Left Side/Right Side drop-down menu that appears.当启动应用程序的时候,默认的菜单是绘制/选择菜单和当前默认选择按纽。在10.2版本中,使用者可以自己决定将动态菜单栏安置在文档设计窗口中的右边还是左边,通过右击菜单无控制区域后在出现的下拉式菜单中选择Left Side(左面)/Right Side(右面)即可。 五:Status Bar状态栏 The bar below the Document Design Window, at the very bottom of the CimCAD/CimPack application window. This contains: 状态栏在文挡设计窗口的下面,在CimCAD/CimPack应用程序窗口的最底部。它包含: Command Line (or Prompt) This is where the application prompts you to take some sort of action in the Document Design Window or enter data in the command input box. 命令行(或提示)它是当你在文挡设计窗口中操作时或在命令输入框中的键入时应用程序给予的某种提示。 Point/Snap toggle Allows you to choose between Point Mode (exact point of cursor click determines point selected) or Snap Mode (point is determined by, or “snaps to,” nearest endpoint of an existing item to cursor click) while drawing. See Point/Snap Toggle. 点击/捕捉切换当你正在绘图的时候,允许你在Point Mode点模式(精确选择鼠标指针所单击的点位置)和Snap Mode捕捉模式(点位置的选择被确定在距离指针单击位置最近的一个现有内容上的一个距离指针单击位置最近的端点)之间自由切换 Line/Link toggle Allows you to choose between Line Mode (one item at a time) or Link Mode (one click gets all items linked to item clicked) while selecting. See Line/Link Toggle. 线/连接切换当你正在做选择操作的时候,允许你在Line Mode线模式(一次可以选择一个内容)和Link Mode连接模式(一次单击一个项目内容可以选择得到与之互相连接的所有内容)之间自由切换。See Line/Link Toggle详见线/连接 Move/Copy toggle Allows you to choose between Move Mode (selected items are moved to new location) or Copy Mode (selected items are copied to new location) while using Copy/Move functions. See Copy/Move Toggle. 移动/复制切换当你正在使用Copy/Move复制/移动功能的时候,允许你在Move Mode移动模式(选择项被移动到一个新的位置)和Copy Mode复制模式(选择项被复制到一个新的位置)之间自由切换。See Copy/Move Toggle详见复制/移动 Color Well Displays and enables you to change the current line drawing color (Line Type). See Color Well. 颜色适配显示并且使你能够改变光标正在绘制出来的线条的颜色(线型)。See Color Well详见颜色适配。 Section Well Displays and enables you to change the current section using a drop-down Section Menu. 选择适配显示并且使你能够改变当前正在使用项以选择使用下拉式选择菜单里的项。 Cursor Position indicator Displays X and Y position of cursor. 光标位置指示器显示光标的X轴和Y轴的位置。 ============================================================================================ Making Changes to Lines and Other Design Items 使线条和其他的设计项目发生改变 You can either first select the items, then choose an action (such as Delete, Extend, or Move), or you can choose the action first followed by making the selection. If you make the selection first, the lines will remain selected, so you can perform more than one action on the same selection. For actions such as Move that require a handle, once you have selected a handle it will remain associated with the selected lines until you clear or add to the selection. Some actions will always prompt for selection after you choose the action, and will ignore any previous selection. 你可以先选择项目内容,然后再选择一个操作(例如删除,延伸,或者移动),或者你也可以先选择一个操作,然后再选择要操作的项目内容。如果你选择前者,线条首先是被选定保留,这样的话,对于相同的要操作的项目内容来说,你可以一次完成比逐个选择操作操作更多的项目内容。就拿移动操作来说,他要求手动才能操作,一旦你先选择做手动操作,被选定保留的项目内容与你最终取消选择或添加选择后被选择保留的线条有关。任何操作都会在你选择了这个操作之后提示你要进行选择操作,并且会忽略上一次的操作选择。 Selecting Lines and Other Design Items You can select lines and other elements in three ways: left clicking selects either a single line or a link, depending on the status of the Line/Link toggle button in the Status bar; clicking and dragging with the left mouse button selects all lines inside the rectangle; and right clicking brings up a pop-up menu (the Select Context menu) which allows various methods. Each time you select lines, they are added to the existing selection set (unless you use the Deselect toggle, which you can toggle using the Space bar). If you have first picked the action, then you can complete the selection either by selecting OK (Enter) or by double-clicking on a line (which selects the line and then completes the selection). If you are making the selection first, before choosing the action, then you don't need an OK - picking the action automatically uses whatever has been selected so far. 你可以以以下三种方式选择线条和元素:通过改变在状态栏上Line/Link切换开关的状态,左击选择任何单线或者连接线。单击并且拖动鼠标左键选择出现在长方形框中的所有线条。还有就是右击在出现的弹出式菜单(上下文选择菜单)中提供了多种方法,每当你新选择线时,线将被添加到现有选择集合里(除非你使用取消选择切换操作,你可以使用空格键切换)。如果你先拾取操作动作,那么在你完成选择后你即可以通过选择OK按妞(Enter键)也可以在一条线上双击(选择线后结束选择)以完成操作。如果你在选择操作动作之前先采取了选择操作,那么你就不需要通过OK按纽来确定操作了,所拾取的操作会自动地对到目前为止所有的选择进行操作确认。Note: You can temporarily change the state of the Line/Link toggle by pressing the Control (Ctrl) key. For more information on selecting design items, see Selecting Lines and Selection Methods. 注释:你可以临时通过按住键盘上的控制(Ctrl)键不放来改变状态栏上的Line/Link切换。 更多的关于选择设计项目的信息,详见Selecting Lines 选择线and Selection Methods选择方法。 Picking a Point拾取一个点 If the Point/Snap button in the Status Bar is set to Snap, the left mouse button will snap to the closest point (either an end point or a line intersection) when clicked in the Design Document Window. If the snap is set to Point, then the left mouse button will simply pick the current cursor position.The right mouse button always brings up a pop-up menu, with various choices. You should position your cursor before right clicking, because most of the functions in the pop-up menu use the position of the cursor before you pressed the right mouse button. 如果在状态栏上的Point/Snap点击/捕捉按钮被设置为捕捉模式,当在文档设计窗口中单击时,鼠标左键将捕捉最近点(端点或者交点)。如果捕捉模式被切换为点模式,这时鼠标左按钮将仅仅拾取当前光标位置。而鼠标右按钮则总是使出现一个弹出式菜单,并提供了多种选择项。在右击之前你应该首先决定鼠标指针的位置,因为在弹出式菜单中的大部分功能都是在光标位置附近而被触发实现。 Note: you can temporarily change the state of the Point/Snap toggle by pressing the Ctrl key. For more information on picking a point, see Point Menu. 注释:你可以通过按住Ctrl键不放来临时改变Point/Snap点击/捕捉模式的切换。 关于拾取点的更多信息,详见Point Menu点菜单 Move and Copy移动和复制 The Status Bar has a toggle for Move/Copy. This applies to any sort of move, including mirrors and rotations. You can toggle it by pressing tab, or clicking on it. You can even press Tab at certain times while you are already in a Move/Copy function, to switch the current action from a move to a copy, or vice versa. Also, while dragging items, or inserting subroutines in a layout, you can mirror and/or rotate 180 by pressing the Space bar (Space alternates between X and Y mirror), or by clicking on the icons in the toolbar. 在状态栏上有一个移动/复制切换钮。它适用于任何移动情形,也包括镜像和旋转。你可以通过按住Tab键不放,或者单击状态栏上的Move/Copy移动/复制钮来互相切换。当你已经处在使用移动/复制功能的时候,你可以持续按住TAB键不放以切换当前的从移动转变成复制的操作,反之亦然。另外当在程序界面板里拖动项目或者插入子图时,你可以按住空格键(空格可在X轴向和Y轴向为对称轴之间交替切换以镜像)镜像并且/或旋转180度。或者你也可以点击工具栏里的图标以实现相同的功能。 You can also copy using the clipboard (although generally using the Move/Copy icon is faster). You must use the clipboard to copy or move lines between different documents. 你也可以使用剪切板来复制(虽然一般的情况下使用移动/复制图标更快些)。你必须使用剪切板在两个不同的文档之间复制或移动线条。 For more information on moving and copying lines and other design items, see Using the Move Menu. 关于移动和复制线和其他的设计项目的更多信息,详见Using the Move Menu(使用移动菜单)。 Drawing items and shapes in CimCAD and CimPACK 在CimCAD and CimPACK中绘制项目和常用配件。 CimCAD and CimPACK allow you to draw lines, arcs, circles, rectangles, ellipses, and polygons. Lines, arcs, and circles are fundamental design units called items. (Other non-divisible objects you can add to your design, such as dimensions, text annotations, and subroutines, are also considered items, but we do not normally think of them as being ” drawn” by the user.) Rectangles, ellipses, and polygons are called shapes and are made up of multiple elements. Rectangles and polygons are composed of multiple lines, and ellipses are composed of multiple arcs. CimCAD 和 CimPACK允许你绘制线条,圆弧,圆,长方形,椭圆,和多边形。线,圆弧和圆是最基本的设计单位被叫做项目(items)。(其他的不可分对象你也可以将其添加到你的设计,例如尺寸规格,文本注释,和子图也可以被看作项目items对待,但是我们通常不认为它们是使用者的绘制部分。)长方形,椭圆,和多边形被叫做构件shapes并且是由若干元素组成。长方形和多边形是由若干条线条组成的,并且椭圆是由若干条圆弧组成。 Lines, arcs, and shapes can be drawn by clicking the appropriate buttons on the Draw/Select Menu in the Dynamic Menu Bar. Lines, circles, and arcs can be added from functions accessed from the Insert Menu on the Main Menu Bar. Circles, and straight lines, can also be added using the Construction toolbar. (For a complete list of item types, see Item Types.) In all cases, the Line Type, as opposed to the Item Type, will depend on the current state of the Color Well. Line Type, indicated by the color rather than the shape of the line, can be used to map to different plotting or cutting devices when the design is made on a hardcopy device. See Line Type Properties for viewing and editing the complete line type maps or “pen maps” as they are often called. 线条,圆狐和构件shapes可以通过点击在动态菜单栏中的绘制/选择Draw/Select菜单中适当的按钮被绘制。线条,圆和圆弧可以选取主菜单栏中的插入菜单中的相应功能选项去添加绘制。其中圆和直线还可以通过使用设计工具栏被添加绘制。(所有项目类型的列表,祥见项目类型Item Types)一般而言,线型对应于项目类型仅取决于状态栏上的颜色适配Color Well。线型是由颜色去表示的,而不是取决于线的形状,当设计图在硬拷贝图案中使用了不同的线型表示,便可以在图案中区分不同的诸如测绘和切线设计等含义。详见Line Type Properties线型性质以查看和编辑完善线型图库或“pen maps”笔迹——实际上常被这样叫做。 Draw/Select Menu 绘制/选择菜单 The Draw/Select menu that appears by default in the Dynamic Menu Bar allows you to add lines, arcs, and shapes such as a rectangle, ellipse, polygon, or semi-circles; and change to Selection mode. When you start the application, and when you are between menu operations, Selection is active by default. 绘制/选择菜单默认出现在动态菜单栏中,它允许你添加线,圆狐和构件,例如长方形,椭圆,多边形,或半圆;并且改变切换到选择模式。当你启动软件后或者当你处于不同的菜单操作之中时,选择是当前默认状态。 Drawing Lines 绘制线 To start drawing straight line(s) click on the Draw Button in the Draw/Select Menu. You will be prompted for a start position (or start point), which can be selected by using the mouse or inputting values in the X1 and Y1 edit boxes. In these and other edit boxes, you can type decimals or fractions or expressions. Fractions can be entered using a space between the integer and fraction parts (e.g. “-2 7/8” is the same as entering “-2.875”) 开始绘制直线点击绘制/选择菜单中的绘制按钮。你将在鼠标开始点击的位置(或开始点)得到提示,也可以通过使用鼠选择点击后或在X1 和 Y1 编辑框中输入数值后使用同样的方法在开始位置(或开始点)获得提示。在编辑框中你可以使用十进制数据类型或分数或表达式。分数可以使用空格键将整数和分数部分分开(例如:输入“-2 7/8”(二又七分之八)就等同与输入 “-2.875”) Once the start point is specified, the end point must be entered via the mouse, or by entering values in the dX, dY, X2, Y2, A or L data boxes. Pressing an arrow key is short for typing A0 or A90 or A180 or A-90. You can move between fields with the tab key, or by pressing the field’s accelerator key. Pressing Enter creates the line. Pressing X once moves you to the dX field, pressing it twice moves you to the X2 field. 一但始点被指定,那么终点也必须通过鼠标去指定,或者通过在dX, dY, X2, Y2, A 或 L数据框中输入数值去指定。按方向键则可以快速的键入A0 或 A90或A180或A-90。你可以使用Tab键在不同的区段中移动切换,或者按区段加速键。然后按Enter键就会建立一条线,按X则移动切换到dX区段,按第二次X则移动切换到X2区段。 X1 Starting X value始点X坐标值。 Y1 Starting Y value始点Y坐标值。 dX Delta X value (amount change from X1)增量X数值(X坐标的变化量)。 dY Delta Y value (amount change from Y1)增量Y数值(Y坐标的变化量)。 X2 Ending X value终点X坐标值。 Y2 Ending Y value终点Y坐标值。 A Angle value角度值。 L Length of line value线的长度。 There are lots of different ways of entering the data. Watch the prompts in the Status Bar to get an idea of the available options. 输入数据有很多种不同的方法。注视状态栏上给予的提示可得到一个可用选择的方法。 Some examples:一些实例: 1) Right arrow followed by 3.1875 and Enter creates a line going 3.5 inches to the right. You could do exactly the same thing by typing X3 3/16 and Enter. 按右方向键后紧接着输入3.1875后按Enter键可建立一条向右方向延伸的3.5英寸长的直线,你可以通过键入X3 3/16并按Enter键完成同样操作。 2) X-2Y3 and Enter creates a diagonal line. X-2Y3并且点击Enter键建立一条对角线。 3) A75 and Enter or Tab, followed by left clicking on an existing line, will draw a line at 75 degrees which stops when it intersects that line. A75并且按Enter键或者按Tab键,紧接着在一条现有的直线上右击,将绘制一条75度终点止于和这条直线交叉位置。 4) A75Y followed by clicking on an existing point will draw a line at 75 degrees which stops when the Y value reaches the specified point. A75Y后紧接着点击一个现有点将绘制一条75度并且终点将延伸止于捕捉点Y值所定位置。 5) YY-3.5A followed by right clicking on an existing line will copy the angle of that line, and stop when the Y value reaches -3.5 (YY moves into the Y2 field, to specify an absolute position;Y-3.5 instead would have moved incrementally down 3.5). YY-3.5A后在一条现有的直线上右击将复制出这条线的角度,并且停止于Y值达到-3.5时(YY移动进入Y2区段,指定绝对位置;Y-3.5插入移动增量下移)。 For more, see Straight Line Tool. 更多信息,详见Straight Line Tool直线工具。 Drawing Arcs 绘制弧线 To start drawing arc(s) click on the Arc Tool Button in the Draw/Select Menu. This is very similar to drawing straight lines, but there are more fields available (which again can be input using either the keyboard or the mouse): 绘制弧线首先点击Draw/Select 绘制/选择菜单中的Arc Tool弧线工具按钮。虽然它与绘制直线相似,但是它有更多的可用信息栏(同样也能通过使用键盘或鼠标输入)。 X1 Starting X value始点X坐标值。 Y1 Starting Y value始点Y坐标值。 dX Delta X value (amount change from X1)增量X数值(X坐标的变化量)。 dY Delta Y value (amount change from Y1)增量Y数值(Y坐标的变化量)。 X2 Ending X value终点X坐标值。 Y2 Ending Y value终点Y坐标值。 Xc Center X value中心X值。 Yc Center Y value中心Y值。 R Radius value半径值。 A1 Starting angle value始点角度值。 A2 Ending angle value终点角度值。 Switching between Lines and Arcs maintains your current position. 保持你的当前位置可在直线和弧线之间切换。 For more, see Arc Drawing Tool. 更多信息,详见Arc Drawing Tool弧线绘制工具。 Drawing Shapes 绘制构件 To start drawing shape(s) click on the Shapes Tool Button in the Draw/Select Menu. You can now select the desired shape(s), and the method used to define the shape. See list below: 绘制几何形状首先点击Draw/Select 绘制/选择菜单中的Shapes Tool构件工具按钮。现在你就可以选择你想要的几何形状,并且可以使用面板界面里的默认形状。详见下列列表。 Rectangle shape tool.矩形形状工具。 Ellipse shape tool.椭圆形状工具。 Polygon shape tool.多边形形状工具。 Semicircle shape tool.半圆形形状工具。 For Rectangles and Ellipses, you can now pick the most appropriate placement/size option for the chosen shape: 对于矩形和椭圆,你选择形状后可以挑选最佳方式/尺寸进行操作: Corner Corner Specify placement and size of shape by opposite corners. 拐角拐角通过对角指定形状的位置和尺寸。 Center Corner Specify placement and size of shape by center position and one corner. 中心拐角通过中心位置和一个拐角指定形状的位置和尺寸。 Corner Size Specify placement and size of shape by corner position and size values (width and height). 拐角尺寸通过一个拐角位置和尺寸值(宽和高)来指定形状的位置和尺寸。 Center Size Specify placement and size of shape by center position and size values (width and height). 中心尺寸通过中心位置和尺寸值(宽和高)来指定形状的位置和尺寸。 Offset (Rectangles only) Stretch an existing line into a rectangle or other shape with the “offset line” parallel to the original line. The side lines can be angled or curved, and the offset distance may be negative. 偏移(仅限于矩形)通过偏移线平行于原有线延伸一条现有的线成为矩形或其他形状的一部分。侧线能形成角度或弧度,并且偏移距离可以是负数。 The Polygon tool prompts for number of sides, first corner position, and adjacent corner position. The Semicircle tool prompts for start and end points. 多边形工具则提示输入边的数量后,首先确定一个拐角位置和邻近一点的拐角位置。半圆工具则提示确定起点和终点的位置。 For more, see Shape Drawing Tools. 更多信息,详见几何形状绘制工具。 Sketching Lines and Arcs 速写线和弧 Select the Insert pull-down menu, and pick Sketch (mainly for freehand work). You will now have two options: Line or Arc. With the Line option select a start and end point, and a line is created between the two points. With the Arc option you select a start point, followed by a point that the arc passes through, and the end point, and an arc is created using the three points. Use the Space bar to toggle between lines and arcs. 选择Insert插入下拉菜单,并且选取Sketch(主要通过手画线工作)速写。此刻你只能有两种操作:线或弧。线操作选择一个起点和一个终点,并且一条线被建立在两点之间。弧操作则先选择一个起点,紧接着一点是弧的经过点,最后一点是弧的终点。所以一条弧是通过三点被建立起来的。使用空格键可以在线和弧之间切换。 Sketching is quicker than Drawing, but offers less specificity in how your lines and arcs are defined. 速写比绘制要快,但是怎样画线和弧是被定义好的,它能提供的特性较少。 Inserting or Editing annotation Text. 插入或编辑注释文本。 The “A” icon on the toolbar is the easiest way to insert text, or to edit existing text. You can paste text into this dialog from other applications. To edit existing text, select it before clicking the “A” icon. You can change the font of some or all of your text by selecting multiple text entities-you can select All, because when you click on the text icon it will ignore anything which is not text. If you want to copy the font properties of one piece of text and apply them to other text entities, first select the other entities, then in the Text dialog click on the Copy From button, then click on the text item or dimension whose font you want to copy. 工具栏上的“A”字形图标是insert text插入文本或者edit existing text编辑现有文本的快速方式。你可以将文本从其他的应用程序粘贴到对话框。若要编辑现有文本,在选择“A”图标之前先选择现有文本即可。你也可以通过选择多个文本实体也可以选择所有文本更改你的文本中的全部或部分文本中的字体,因为当你点击文本图标的时候它将忽略认为不存在文本。如果你想复制互相一致文本性质的文本,并且将其应用到其他文本实体,首先选择其他文本实体,然后在文本对话框中点击Copy From按钮,然后点击那些你想要去复制改变的text item文本项目或者dimension标注。 Output Message Dialog 输出信息对话框 Most functions that need to display some result do so by creating a dialog box in the middle of the screen. You must dismiss this before you can continue, which you can do by pressing the Space bar (or Enter or clicking on OK). You can copy and paste text from this dialog box into other applications. 大部分功能都需要通过在屏幕的中间生成一个对话框来显示一些结果。在你继续操作之前你必须消除这个对话框,你可以通过按空格键(或者Enter键或者点击对话框中的OK键)来消除这个对话框。你也可以从这个对话框中复制文本并且将其粘贴到其他的应用软件中。 Hotkeys 热键 Hotkeys are used to perform an action by striking specific keys. By using Hotkeys you do not have to access the action via the Pull Down Menus or Toolbar Icons. Most of these perform some action on the line closest to the cursor, so you should position the cursor first.There are both Windows Hotkeys and Cimex Hotkeys. To map custom hotkeys to standard or custom commands, see Customize Keyboard. 热键是通过敲打一个特殊键去完成一个功能。使用热键你就不必通过下拉式菜单或者工具栏图标去访问那些功能。能完成某些功能的大部分热键的立即响应都与指针位置有关,因此你应该首先确定指针的位置。热键分为窗口热键和Cimex软件功能热键。变换用户热键或用户命令为新的标准配置,详见Customize Keyboard自定义键盘。 Shortcuts Shortcuts are used to perform an action by striking specific keys. By using Shortcuts you do not have to access the action via the Pull Down Menus or Toolbar Icons. The Pull Down Menus display for future reference the shortcuts for those commands for which they are available. 快捷键是通过敲打一个特殊键去完成一个功能。使用快捷键你就不必通过下拉式菜单或者工具栏图标去访问那些功能。下拉式菜单里那些命令行就是你即将访问的快捷键,无论哪个他们都是可用的。 Accelerators 加速键 Alt plus the underlined key accesses the pull-down menus. Ctrl-Shift plus the underlined key accesses the dynamic (right-hand) menus. 访问下拉式菜单中后Alt加下划线字母的键、访问动态菜单(右手边)栏Ctrl-Shift加下划线字母的键。 Opening, Saving, Importing, and Exporting Files 打开,保存,输入和输出文件 Import and Export are treated as part of Open and Save. They are done using File Open and File Save As, and picking the appropriate format. When opening CIM files you can use the standard Windows Open dialog, or click Preview, which gives you a number of thumbnail sketches of your files. If you have lots of files in your directory, you can first highlight one of the filenames in the standard Open dialog before selecting Preview; the preview will start at the file you had highlighted. 输入和输出可视为打开和保存的一部分。它们通过使用打开文件和另存为文件并且选择适当的格式来完成。当打开CIM格式的文件的时候你可以使用标准的打开对话框窗口,或者点击Preview预览,将会出现许多文件的缩略图。如果你的目录中有很多文件,你可以在标准打开对话框中选择预览之前优先先选择若干个文件名中的一个文件,这个文件将突出显示,预览也将从你突出显示的文件开始。 Printing, Plotting, and Samplemaking 打印,制图和打样 Print uses any Windows printer. Plot can use either a Windows printer or plotter, or a pen plotter using a Cimex driver. Samples always uses Cimex drivers. To use a Cimex driver, you should first install the Cimex Plot Spooler and pick the model that you have. The spooler is responsible for specifying the location (e.g. COM port), and any accuracy compensation. You will have a separate copy of the spooler for each plotter that is directly connected to your computer. Each spooler can be shared across a network by multiple CAD workstations, and they will all share the same accuracy compensation. Then from the Plot (or Samples) menu, choose Setup and Add Device and connect to the spooler. You can if you wish add multiple plot devices connected to the same plot spooler, with different default options stored in each device. 打印可使用任何窗口打印机。绘图则使用打印机和绘图仪均可,或者使用Cimex驱动的笔试绘图机。打样则必须使用Cimex驱动。使用Cimex驱动,你应该首先安装Cimex 绘图假脱机系统[程序]并且选取你所拥有的型号。假脱机系统负责指定位置(例如COM端口),和任何精确度校正。你可以将和你的电脑相连的各个绘图仪的假脱机系统程序分别复制安装于你的电脑之上。每个假脱机系统程序都可通过若干CAD工作站共享于网络之中,并且他们能提供相同的精度校正。然后通过绘图仪(或者打印机)菜单,选择Setup安装选项并且点击Add Device添加驱动并且连上假脱机系统。如果你愿意你也可以添加多部绘图仪驱动连接同样的绘图仪假脱机系统,不同的缺省选项被保存在各自配置里。 |
2008-11-02, 10:31 | 只看该作者 #5 | ||
等级: 小兄弟
自己编辑的只要是参数模式下编辑的文件且没有互相矛盾之处都可以视为参数文件也可以看成自定义图库。 在软件自带的帮助文档中关于参数模式的说明位于Toos Menu--->Parametric 以下是我对翻译部分的部分节选 Creating a Parametric Design Parametrics is a way of having the computer remember, not just what line you have in the design, but also how those lines were created. You can automatically ask the computer to dimension the design, based on how each line was programmed, change one or more of the dimensions to a new value, and the computer will automatically modify any lines which were based on those dimensions. 变量是计算机存储的一种方式,它不但能存储你的设计中的线条,而且还能创建这些线条。你可以要求计算机以每条线条被编程的规则为基准自动地形成你所需要的尺寸的设计,改变其中的一个或多个尺寸大小赋予一个新值,计算机将自动地以这些新尺寸大小为基准修改每条线。 A simple design will make this clear. First, lets start with a clear design, and select Tools / Parametrics from the Pull Down menus or click on the Parametric icon. While in Parametrics some options will be grayed out or unavailable. Select the Line tool (line tool button) or press Ctrl+Shift+L and enter a value of zero in the X1 and Y1 fields and click the OK button. 一个简单的设计将在空白文档中生成。首先,让我们以空白文档开始,并且选择工具(Tools)下拉式菜单栏中的参数模式(Parametrics)功能项或者在工具栏中点击参数模式图标。当处于参数模式中时某些选项操作将会显示变灰或处于不可用状态。选择直线工具(直线工具按钮)或者按Ctrl+Shift+L组合键并且在X1和Y1文本框中键入零值后点击OK按钮。 1. Press the “A” key and type “0” then the “L” key and type “4” then click the “OK” button. 1. 按“A”键后并且输入“0”,然后按“L”键输入“4”,再然后点击“OK”按钮。 2. Press the “A” key and type “90” then the “L” key and type “4” then click the “OK” button. 2. 按“A”键后并且输入“90”,然后按“L”键输入“3”,再然后点击“OK”按钮。 3. Press the “A” key and type “180” then the “L” key and type “4” then click the “OK” button 3. 按“A”键后并且输入“180”,然后按“L”键输入“4”,再然后点击“OK”按钮。 4. Press the “A” key and type “270” then the “L” key and type “4” then click the “OK” button. 4. 按“A”键后并且输入“270”,然后按“L”键输入“3”,再然后点击“OK”按钮。 5. Now select Modify / Corner / Blend from the Pull Down menus and type in 1/2 for the blend radius. 5. 现在选择修改(Modify)下拉式菜单中的拐角(Corner)菜单项中的抹圆(Blend)功能项,并且键入圆角半径为1/2英寸。 6. Now move to the upper right corner of the design and click your left mouse button. Now move to the lower right corner and click the left mouse button again. 6. 现在移动光标到设计的右上角拐角处并且点击鼠标左键。然后再移动光标到右下角拐角处并且再次点击鼠标左键。 7. Now click the “ESC” button. 7. 现在点击“ESC”按钮。 Note Steps 1-4 could also be accomplished by the following: 备注 1-4步也可以通过以下的方式完成: X4<enter>, Y3<enter>, X-4<enter>, Y-3<enter>, both will create the same parametric dimensions, so you could mention both. X4<enter>, Y3<enter>, X-4<enter>, Y-3<enter>,这同上述方式两者都可以创建同样的参数尺寸规格,因此这两种方法你都可以提及使用。 At this point your design should look like the one below. 这时你的设计看上去如下面图形所示。 |
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